Everything has changed

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Authors note:
In this story, Alex never left Jo. Jackson and April got married in 14×24, not Mathew and April. Teddy never cheated on Owen💛
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"What's new at the hospital?" asked Derek.
"A lot has changed. Bailey is the new chief of surgery. Callie and Arizona left for New York. Link is the new chief of Ortho. I'm the chief of General." Derek smiled proudly when he heard that his wife if he could call her that, was a chief of general surgery. He always believed in her. She amazed him.
She smiled back at him and continued
"Teddy and Owen are together. They have two kids. Jackson and April got divorced a little after your death and now they're married again. They have a daughter. Umm... Oh, Alex and Jo got married. Maggie's engaged. Richard and Catherine got married. And I'm pretty sure you've heard about the Harper Avery thing." she sighed as she finished talking.
"Yeah, I've heard. Congratulations" He said smiling as he made his proud face once again.
"Thanks" she said softly. Her voice was music for his ears.
"Are you mad at me?" Derek asked.
"No. "
"You sure?"
"Yes. But I'm mad. Mad at the world for taking you away from me. And for a moment I really wanted to punch you in the face." They both laughed.
"You have a right to be mad. And it's okay to hate me. I deserve that. It may not be my fault that the president 'kidnapped' me, but it is my fault that I was ever thinking about living you for some stupid job. That's what lead to this. That's why our lives were living hell for the past five years. It's all my fault. I'm sorry" he said with water in his eyes.
"You considered leaving, and then you realized that it wasn't worth it, and you came back. If that stupid president didn't steal you from me, we would still be together. We would have our happily ever after." she said crying as well.
"Do we... Do we have a chance to ever be the same? Do we still have a chance to get our happily ever after?"
"I don't know Derek. I honestly don't. I wish I had anything to tell you right now, but I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it. I don't how long it will take. I don't know."
He felt her pain. He felt how damaged she was. One of the strongest women he's ever met was now weak because of him, because of the damage fate did to them. Life damages us, everyone. But what it did to them? The pain it brought was out of this world. Sometimes only pain can heal, but sometimes grief makes a monster out of us. Life is not supposed to be like that. It's not supposed to be that hard, but for them, it always has been about grief. It was an endless circle of pain and happiness. As someone once said "Carousel never stops turning, you can't get off" you can just try to adjust to reality and hope that best comes out of it. That's what Derek was hoping for: A little more mercy from God, from the world, from life.

They spent the rest of the day talking about everything that happened to them while they were apart. A lot of things were shocking to both of them. Adjusting to reality thing was not as easy as they wanted it to be but they were never uncomfortable with each other, even in a situation like this.
In the evening, it was time for everyone to come back from the hospital, from school. Meredith got a text from Andrew that he was staying at the hospital. She was relieved, it would be a hundred times harder if he was there while she and Derek would have to explain everything to everyone. She had no idea how they were going to explain it, but she knew they had to.

"We're home." Amelia exclaimed as they came in.
"What are we going to do?" asked Meredith to Derek hoping he could come up with something.
"I have no idea. Maybe you go downstairs and try to slowly explain everything to them."
"Okay." She opened the door but turned around before she closed the door behind her "And for the record, that is a terrible idea."

He laughed as she left the room. He was imagining what was going on downstairs but was interrupted by the phone buzzing. It was Meredith's phone. He didn't want to look at her phone without permission. Or maybe he did. A little. Or a little more.
He took her phone and saw the name. It was from Andrew.
"That's her boyfriend, I guess"
"Yeah, it's definitely him" - he thought as he read the text: "I love you, I miss you❤😘"

"Ugh, I hate this" - he thought. Why was the universe so screwed up? Why did every bad thing have to happen to the two of them? Why???

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the footsteps on the stairs.
"It's time," he thought and got up from the bed.

Thanks for reading
If you haven't noticed every chapter is named after a song. This one is by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran⭐

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