Just a dream

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"Mer, are you here?" Amelia exclaimed as they walked into the house.
"Coming downstairs" Meredith answered as she ran downstairs and saw three kids running towards her, hugging her. Meredith hugged them back.
"How was the party?" Mer noticed they looked very happy.
"It was good" Zola said quietly.
"Max and Raina got a lot of presents and we had very much fun" Bailey exclaimed.
"Yaay" Ellis run to the kitchen as she smelled fresh donuts.
"Wash your hand first sweetie" Mer laughed. Bailey run to the kitchen as well. Zola stood there in silence.
"Zo, is everything ok? You seem sad" Mer asked.
"I'm just a little tired. Can I go to sleep?"
"Sure. Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, I can handle it."
"Okay sweetie" Meredith reached down to kiss her head.
"Love you, mommy."
"Love you too Zo."

Link and Amelia got into the living room as Mer and the kids talked.
Meredith walked into the living room.
"How was the work?" she asked.
"It was great actually" Link answered "We had a guy with multiple traumas. It was fun."
"Good" said Meredith letting them know her mind was occupied by something else.
"I'm guessing you haven't left your room the whole day" Amelia sounded concerned "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I just... I need to talk to you."
"Okay?" said Amelia handing Scout to Link. He was already big enough to be left at the daycare.
"Mer you look sad" said Maggie as she walked into the living room.
"You both are very impatient" Meredith said half laughing. She didn't know what to say or where to start. There was no right way of doing it.
"You know what, I'll take kids upstairs and put them to bed, so you can talk in peace."
"Okay" Amelia whispered kissing Scout on his little head. He smiled.

"Bye aunties little munchkin" Meredith chuckled at his little laughs started filling the room up with joy. She remembered when Zola and Bailey were that little. That time when she and Derek were together and happy thinking nothing would ever change that. But everything changed. Of course, it changed. Them and their little perfect family, it was too good to be true. Meredith never believed in happily ever afters. She thought that people had their happy lives until they didn't anymore. That's the reason she said she'd be happy alone. It wasn't 'cause she thought she'd be happy alone. It was because if she loved someone and then it fell apart, she might not make it. It's easier to be alone. because what if you learn that you need love and you don't have it? What if you like it and lean on it? What if you shape your life around it and then it falls apart? Can you even survive that kind of pain? Losing love is like organ damage. It's like dying. The only difference is death ends. This? It could go on forever. That's why she never wanted to be in love, but Derek made it impossible for her. He made her fall for him, hard... And then he disappeared... Like he was there and then he wasn't. Like she blinked and he was gone. But now? Now he was back. He was back, and still... Still, she didn't know what to do. Him being alive and with her was the only thought that came to her mind every day. Thinking about that made her feel happy, it made her feel safe like she hasn't felt in a long time... Like she hasn't felt since Derek. But now, when he was finally here when he was back home, she didn't know if that was what she wanted.

She adjusted to the reality where her husband was dead. When he died, she had to learn how to live without him and when she thought she finally did, he came back. He came back making her confused but also happy. That's what she felt, for the first time in what felt like forever. She felt happy when she saw him when she felt his heartbeat when she felt his lips gently touching the top of her head. Happiness was something she hadn't felt in a long time. That's probably why she was so confused.

"Mer, Mer" Maggie pinched her hand.
"Ouch" Meredith exclaimed in pain as she caressed her hand "that hurt."
"What did you want us to talk about? Is it about Andrew? Omg, did you guys break up?" asked Amelia concerned.

Andrew... She came back to reality as she heard his name. She forgot about his existence. What the hell is she going to do?

"No, no it's not Andrew."
"It's not?"
"No it isn't."
"Then what is it?"
"It's Derek" Meredith sighed. Saying His name made everything more real.
"What about him?" Maggie asked.
"I... This is going to sound weird" Meredith sighed again seeing their confused faces "He... He's alive."
"What?" They both exclaimed at the same time looking at each other.
"I know, I know. You're thinking that I'm crazy. That's what I thought when I saw him."
"When you saw him? Meredith what the hell are you talking about?" Amelia mumbled as a tear rolled down her face.

Meredith put her hand on Amy's shoulder, comforting her.
"He said the president practically kidnapped him. He couldn't come back here. He had to protect us. That's what he said."
"So that's true? That's not some kind of a sick joke?"
"No it isn't."

Maggie looked at both of them. She saw the pain in their eyes. They both were destroyed when he died, and they both had to find their way back up. That took them forever but they did. And now he's back? How is that possible? What are they going to do? Maggie didn't really know Derek. But for a short time, she knew him, what she learned about him was that he was the kindest person. He hugged her when he found out he was Meredith's sister. No one treated her like that for a long time. She really liked him, and she was devastated when he died. It felt like losing a longtime friend.

Maggie looked at them once again. Now all three of them were looking at each other.

"Where is he now?" Maggie asked her trying to break the silence.
"Upstairs, in my room."
Amelia looked at her as another tear rolled down her face.
"So you're saying he's here?"
"I am."
"Oh my god" she started sobbing uncontrollably.
"It's okay" Meredith murmured in her ear, putting her head on her shoulder. "we're going to figure it out."

Amelia couldn't believe what was happening. Was her brother really alive? Or was this some kind of a cruel joke? There was only one way to find out.

"I want to see him." she muttered.
"Okay. Let's go" Meredith said still not being sure what was going on. Is she going to walk into her room and see him? Is he really going to be there? Or was it all just a dream? No, it couldn't be just a dream. It couldn't be.

All three of them made their way upstairs. All three of them gasped as they saw him standing there.

"Hey" he smiled.

Thanks for reading✨
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