Awkward Silence

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A/N: I just read a sad fanfic, so I'm writing this while crying. Sorry if it's bad, and thank you all SO much for 100 reads! I didn't even expect 10 people to click on this story 😅

George walked out to Wilbur's car, still trying to keep a straight face. As he was getting in the car Tommy asked "So...did you test positive for whatever you were getting tested for?" Tears pricked George's eyes as he quickly looked towards the window, so that none of them would see. "Nope, we're all good" he responded trying to hide the hitch in his voice. Wilbur had noticed this, however, and asked "Can you tell us what you were getting tested for anyway?"

Wilbur wouldn't have asked if he didn't think it was serious. He had known that George and Clay were dating along with everyone else for at least eight months. Therefore, he got suspicious as to why George hadn't called Clay instead of him. " doctor wanted me to get tested for Lung Cancer, but only as a precaution. I was tested negative anyway, so it doesn't matter." George responded quietly. Everyone's eyes grew large except for George. "W-what do you mean by 'precaution'?" Tubbo asked concerned. "YEAH, AND WHY WOULD YOU CALL WILBUR INSTEAD OF DREAM IF IT WASN'T SERIOUS GOGY!?" Tommy exclaimed. "I-i......I knew he would freak out even if it is just a precaution..." He said nervously.

"Alright, of you say so......" Wilbur said a little worried. "Wilbur, you can't seriously just not question him anymore! This could be serious!" Tommy said angrily while Tubbo just sat beside him, shocked. "Don't make him talk about it when he's clearly uncomfortable Tommy." Wilbur scolded. "NO! What If he does have it, but it's just too early to tell!? Dream at least deserves to know, he's his boyfriend!" Tommy yelled back at him. George couldn't hold his tears in anymore, so he instinctively yelled "I got tested positive okay!? I didn't want anybody to know because I knew everyone would freak out! Especially Dream and Sapnap!" He covered his mouth with tears streaming down his face as he realized what he had just said.

Nobody said anything after that. Just silence and George crying. It was awkward for Wilbur, Tubbo, and Tommy, but George was too busy crying to care. Wilbur drove George back to his house. As George was getting out of the car, his phone started ringing. "Hello?" He answered. "GEORGE, WHERE ARE YOU!?" Clay was yelling through the phone. "I just got home..." George responded after he sniffled. "Wait, have you been crying?" Clay asked concerned. "N-no, just allergies..." George said. "Okay, if you say so. Can you still make it to .y stream, or do you not feel well enough to today?" Clay asked kindly. "I think I'll take a break today, tell Sapnap I said hi and sorry I couldn't make it." George said as he sniffled again. "Can do! Bye George, love you" Clay spoke softly. "Love you to Dream..." George said with a slight smile on his face.

He hung up the phone and told the other men "thanks for driving me around today, I appreciate it....and please don't tell anyone....." He said awkwardly. "O-oh, okay..." Tubbo finally spoke softly.

A/N: Sorry if the chapter is bad! Also l, sorry for not updating last week, I was really busy all week...😅

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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