I slowly felt the pillow I was hugging fade away to a warmer being. Oh thank God, it's got to be-
I opened my eyes, only to see fur. What? This looks like an oddly large cat.
"Name?" a voice echoed.
"W-what?" I asked, looking around.
"She means you," a female in a white dress nudged me. I jumped a little and backed up. She was certainly not there a minute ago.
"Running won't help either," a guy called out.
"Ooo lemme take a look at them!" what looked to be a pixie without wings cheered, floating upside down above me. I was just impressed that the trenchcoat was still sticking to her body.
"I-" I tried to speak, but she held my face in her hands.
"Neo. Leave them be," the male I bumped into spoke up.
"Fine Remus," the pixie, Neo I believe, sighed before letting me go.
"It's R-" I felt my thoughts slip by me as I struggled to remember the rest of my name.
"R... I see. Welcome to the academy. While your visit is unforseen... we are ready to welcome you. These three will be your guides. Listen to them and go to your dormitory within two hours," the voice instructed.
"But where am I!?" I yelled. No response.
"How do you not know where you are?" Neo asked, inspecting me. Out the corner of my eye I could see the guy staring me down with suspicion.
"They're confused," the girl spoke up before standing and walking right in front of me.
"You don't have to read people's emotions all the time Lyn," Remus spoke up, showing a softness to her. Interesting.
She ignored him, staring into my eyes, "my name is Lyn, it's nice to meet you R. That one floating up there is Neo, and that's Remus." She gestured, pointing at each of them.
"Yeah, nice to meet you too Lynn," I replied, smiling shakily.
"Lots to do within these two hours," Neo remarked, finally landing on the floor and pulling me out of the room, away from Lyn and Remus.
Neo and I had discussed the rules at the academy while eating in a coffee shop of sorts.
Through them, I learned that everyone at this academy has a special skill; some more notable than others. Everyone also has their own rooms, though the rooms are dispersed into three wings. I was in the Nibori wing and to be exempt from classes for the next two days for adjusting reasons.
I like this coffee place; it reminds me of home. Although the tea I got was an odd silver, with flakes of what looked to be rose petals. I hesitated when drinking.
Neo took notice. "Oh relax, seri won't kill you. At least not with eros."
I tilted my head in confusion. They laughed.
"C'mon R, just drink it!" Neo continued to laugh as they drank their coffee. I gulped before taking a sip. It tasted just like sugared strawberries, only with a touch of caramel too.
"Mmm," I sighed, drinking some more.
"I know right? Seri really is one of our best teas," they commented, proceeding to eat an odd fruit.
"Neo..? It's close to cerfew, just giving you a head's up," a girl with golden hair came up to our table and reminded us. I think she was working behind the counter when we got here.
"Of course Rae, we'll be going soon. Promise," Neo smiled. Rae turned to me.
"Are you new?"
"Yeah, my name is R."
"No. Like the letter R," I corrected. Rae nodded.
"Nice to meet ya. Headmaster Ethers assigned you to be across the hallway from my dorm, so you'll be seeing me a lot," she laughed. I already have my own room..? That was quick.
I internally shook off the surprise, "yeah, sounds great."
She grinned and walked off.
"We should head off too. You need to settle in after all," Neo spoke, wrapping up some breadsticks and tucking them away in their trench coat. As we walked down the hall, we flagged down Lyn and Remus. They looked like they were having a banter.
"Are you doing alright? This must be a lot of information to handle," Lyn asked when she noticed me. I nodded.
"Neo tried their best to explain, so I understand more about this academy. Maybe not this world, but the academy."
"So you are from another world then," Lyn stated, "your emotions are a tad weird feeling compared to everyone else."
"Thank you..?"
"She's always like this," Remus explained, "just wait until morning, you'll see."
I nodded and shortly we all stopped in front of a door. A plaque read: R Peters.
How did they figure out my last name??
"Goodnight R!" Neo cheered before walking down the hallway into their own room. Lyn and Remus went to the other wings.
The room was comfortable.
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Two questions rang through my mind as I walked around the room.
1. Why are so many things in a bleached white? Don't they stain??
2. Won't I just return to my own reality once I sleep? That's what I had scripted after all.