Attack On Hosu

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~So... I got the number of quirks wrong. Nensho actually has 10, not 9. Her drawing creation quirk, Explosions, Float, Jet, object attraction/manipulation, Erasure, Decay, OFA, Recovery, and Transformation. More to come though, and sorry for the mixup. I tend to get writing done in spurts and I lose track of things too. Well, on to the story!~

A couple of days of training passed and Midorya was finally able to figure out how to use his quirk the right way, yay! I also got a better hold of Tori's quirk. My breathing style changed from what it had been, so I can use it way more effectively. I've also been pushing how many quirks I can use at a time since I'm constantly using my transformation one. It's technically illegal to use quirks in public, but no one needs to know that I'm using it. Nezu said it was fine, so I just keep using it. Getting back to the present, Tori's planning on taking us on a patrol in Shibuya.

We'll be passing by Iida in Hosu, right? I hope he hasn't done anything rash. Stain's probably still there too... He better not try anything.

My phone started ringing and I looked at it to see Katsu. I answered it and immediately choked on the air. 

"DON'T FUCKING LAUGH!!!" he yelled, but I couldn't take him seriously with that hairstyle. It was flat and combed neatly. "IT WON'T FUCKING GO BACK!! SHUT UP!!!!"

"Sorry... sorry," I chuckled slightly. "I just- pfft- can't take you seriously like that..." my sentence faded back into chuckles.

"The fuck ever. After this shit is over, we're having a match. You got it!?"

"Sure, sure. I'll be wiping the floor with you though."


"DID YOU TAKE A FUCKING SCREENSHOT!!!!!!!!!!? DELETE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh, sorry I gotta go, Katsu. I'll talk to ya later."


I ended the call and chuckled to myself before heading to the living room. Tori was there waiting for Midoriya to finish changing.

"You know, you could've just had me use my different quirks against him. It's plenty of diversity against a technical adult."

"Yeah, but he needs to go against some actual villains. The same goes for you since you already know most of my moves and can read Midoriya easily."

"I kinda forget I'm a student again. Used to being the teacher."

Midoriya finally came out of the hall and we started on our way to the train station with Tori telling him what he just told me. 


-Hey, it's Nensho. I haven't gotten the chance to talk to you, but try not to do anything rash, okay? I know what you're feeling right now, I really do. Just keep calm and listen to Manuel, please.

I had texted that to Iida right soon after we got on the train and he did look at it, but he hasn't said anything back. He's angry and wants to get revenge on Stain. He never said anything outright about it, but that would be the only reason he would go with a small-time agency there.

"Hey, did you see that? The building exploded," one of the passengers remarked, making me look over.

"Passengers, please-"

The train squealed as something broke through the side. A hero was thrown in before one of those damned ugly nomu came in through the same hole.


I did what my instincts told me first and used Tori's quirk to kick the thing in the chin. Not even a second later Tori himself kicked the thing on the side of its face.

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