From an Art Teacher to a Fox

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Thunder and rain... That's all that I can hear.

I opened my heavy eyes to see nothing but grass and the silhouette of the tree line. I looked in another direction to see the blinding lights of my car. I averted my eyes from the light and saw the dark red mixing with the falling rain. I felt cold, almost numb. All my senses started to fade. First, the sounds of the thunder and rain disappeared, then, the coldness faded before my vision went completely black.

Maybe I should explain how I got into this mess.

After a long day of working with my high school art students, I had gone out to hang with my best friend.

She was beautiful, strong, and funny. Those are just some of the many things that I admire about her. She even worked as a hero.

*Sigh* "Y'know... I really do admire you," I commented as we ate with a small smile.

"Oh, come on, Kitsune. I've told you that the job of a hero isn't as great as it seems," she said for the zillionth time with her usual bright smile.

"Yeah. Sometimes I do wish that I was a hero rather than a teacher though."

"What? Kids getting on your nerves again?" She chuckled.

"Like you wouldn't believe..." I sighed as I rubbed my temples in exhaustion.

"I hear ya. I got this apprentice a while back. And, man, is he a pain!"

I looked at her with surprised eyes. "I never expected that. Just remember if you need anything, I'm here for you."

"I know," she said as she messed up my hair a bit. Honestly, if we didn't look so different, we'd probably be mistaken as sisters.

Opposed to her luscious black hair, I had red hair that was cut short since it annoys me when I get it in paint. She had deep obsidian eyes while I had dark red ones. On top of all that, she's outgoing and if it wasn't for her, I'd probably be a shut-in.

"Well, it's getting late. I'd better go," I said after I noticed the time.

"Yeah, I better head on home too. See ya, Kitsune."

We left the little cafe and went out separate ways with a wave to each other.

I got in my car and started it as it began to rain. I then started driving home.

When I was about halfway home, I spotted a fox and tried swerving out of the way to avoid it. But, I went too far to the left and the car crashed.

So, that's how we got here. This life of mine, Kitsu Kamizu, was ended by me trying to avoid hitting a fox.


My eyes opened to show bright green grass.

'What the hell? Where-' I saw some white that led to a black spot on my face. I got up and instantly felt something off - I was on four legs. I looked behind me to see a fluffy white tail with some gray accents. My body stiffened. 'Wait... Am I... A fox? How is that possible?'

I looked at my surroundings and saw what looked like a pond. I made my way over and looked at my reflection.

Looking back at me was the white face of a fox with some light gray. I had fluffier-than-normal ears and piercing crimson eyes. Then the underside of my stomach and legs were a reddish-orange along with the bottom half of my chest fur.

'I guess I am a fox.'

I heard a snap behind me and I looked back to see a boy with spiky blonde hair. He stopped and looked at me with a slightly confused face, to which I tilted my head to the side.

Reincarnated Fox (Mha Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now