56 | The Trial of the Ages

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NO MATTER HOW many lives Davina lived, no matter how many times she changed, one thing was always certain: she was always more comfortable in chaos. As a young child, she thrived on wreaking havoc and living on the edge. It was the single quality about her which made her defiant, which Lucius Malfoy could not control or beat out of her -- because you cannot control chaos. 

Everything begins with chaos. Davina liked to think she began that way, too. She was a Peverell bastard born under the pretense of the most formidably powerful pureblood family,  the Malfoys. She was one of a descending generation of good people from the Black family that produced only rotten apples. A few years ago, Davina would have said that she became who she was in spite of being raised by Lucius and Narcissa. Now, she would say that she raised herself -- and she became nothing like the families from which she came. 

There is calculation in chaos, and Davina was at the center of it that day. She paced leisurely in the middle of the marble pitch of the grand courtroom, looking more formidable than she ever did as a deatheater. She wore boot heels that clicked against the marble, agitating the heads of the Order as they watched her with great apprehension while the crowd filed in. She was dressed all in black -- her arms were exposed in a short-sleeve top that showcased her array of scars. The most shocking of all was the fact that her arm bore no Dark Mark -- there wasn't any sign of it. She held her head high, leveling her gaze with each and every person who dared to meet her eyes.

Kingsley Shacklebolt sat at the uppermost seat in the juror section, with the heads of the Order -- Minerva McGonagall, Phineas Nigel, Dedalus Diggle, Hestia Jones, and Bill Weasley -- seated below him. The ghost of a smirk graced her lips as she watched the seats fill rapidly with familiar and less familiar faces -- among them, much to her surprise, was Lucius and Narcissa. Her gaze flickered from them to Gideon and Andromeda, who had been watching to see her reaction. Gideon mouthed one word. Pardoned. She clenched her fists and turned away. Of course, sniveling cowards like her parents would be able to get themselves out of such severe treasons.

Kingsley banged his gavel down on the marble three times to signal silence. The murmurs and chatter began to die down and as the double oak doors swung shut, they silenced completely. 

"This hearing has commenced. As Minister of Magic, I present the wizarding community against Davina Malfoy--"

"--Let's not begin playing games now, Shacklebolt. It's the Order of the Phoenix against Davina Malfoy."

Kingsley met her gaze. Gideon pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew she wasn't going to make this easy, but this was too fucking early. All around the pitch, blue magic -- a forcefield of sorts -- sprang up to keep her contained. She rolled her eyes. 

"I require a pensieve." She paused, "And my wand."

"Preposterous! Mind your place, traitor!" Phineas Nigel sprang up. "You are the guilty party on trial--"

She ignored the man and gave Kingsley a pointed look. 

McGonagall spoke up. "I don't see the harm in it, Minister. The barrier will prevent any harmful spells from going in or out. I, for one, would like to see what Miss Malfoy intends to do with a pensieve."

"Very well."

A few moments later, after the chatter had increased in volume again, the pensieve and wand were delivered to her by Neville Longbottom himself. She took the wand and sent the pensieve into the middle of the room.

"Now, Miss Malfoy, this barrier works similar to the effects of veritaserum. Any attempt to conceal the truth will result in great pain -- and eventual submission."

She stared blankly at him. William gazed down on his daughter from the distance and couldn't help but wish he was anywhere but there. The old Davina would have come up with a smartass quip or sarcastic comment, but she simply stood and stay silent. Something happened to her, and he dreaded finding out what it was. 

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