68 | Those Loved or Lost [CROSSOVER]

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 LILY POTTER'S WORLD was everything Davina hoped for her world, and so much more. It was flourishing following the aftermath of the war that ended only a handful of years ago. Diagon Alley was the heart of it all. It was more colorful and lively than ever before. Children skipped through the streets, hand in hand with their parents and siblings as they browsed the windows and admired the peculiar stands. Davina had never felt so conflicted within herself. On one hand, she was filled with a sudden thrill and burst of hope at the sight of what could be, but she was also plagued by a nagging feeling of not belonging. She didn't belong here -- in this world, at peace. 

Much to her surprise, Lily Potter seemed to feel the same way. Many people turned to stare, whisper, and holler out praise at the auburn-haired woman as she led her new friend through the winding cobblestone alley. She plastered on a forced smile and suppressed a few grimaces with each and every acknowledgement, and Davina couldn't help but relate to her. She felt the exact same discomfort when her family and friends praised her actions. Her intentions may have been pure and her heart in the right place, but she did terrible things in the name of love and survival -- and she did them well. 

All the while, Lily and Davina were engaged in a hushed conversation as they carried along. Lily had filled Davina in on everything she could think of. Davina was surprised to learn that Sirius Black had a son named Augustus in Lily's world, and Lily was surprised to hear about Snape's complicated devotion to protecting Harry Potter in Davina's world. 

"I always assumed that he protected us because of me -- because he was my godfather." She murmured, furrowing her eyebrows as she fell deep into thought. 

Davina managed a grim smile. "I must admit...it makes more sense in your situation. Back in my world...well, as much as I admire Severus and everything he's sacrificed...his unrequited love for Lily Evans is a bit...unsettling. I suppose they may have been star-crossed soulmates who were just never meant to be..."

"They were two people who came together through a common love for magic. Severus was the first person to tell my mum she was a witch and show her the scopes of her magic before she received her Hogwarts letter. He introduced her to a world of wonders, and in return, she showed him what it means to have real friendship...real love, even if it was platonic. He never knew love like that again..."

"...Until you." Davina surmised. 

Lily cast her a sideways glance and nodded. "Until me."

They walked past Gringotts and found themselves walking through a muggle residential village. It was full of quaint brick apartment buildings. Davina had no idea what they were doing there, but the incessant ticking of the pocketwatch against her chest kept her hear racing with anxiety. 

"I used to live in a flat here from the end of my fifth year -- I found living in Grimmauld Place too painful after Sirius -- and stuck around until a little while before the Battle of Hogwarts. I've only been back a handful of times since...but right now, it's the only place I know of that can get us to Hogwarts quickly."

"Can't we simply apparate outside of the wards?" Davina questioned.

"We could." Lily nodded, "But we'd have to get through the gates, the antechamber, and pass who knows how many people along the way. Considering the fact that you're not of this world, I think it's best to keep you as hidden as possible. We don't know what your interactions here could do to the timeline or whatever fucking magic we're dealing with."

Davina mentally berated herself for not considering that. She quietly followed Lily into one of the buildings, up one flight of stairs, and as they stopped in front of the door at the end of the hallway, Davina realized that she knew exactly where they were. Her suspicions were confirmed when they walked inside. This was the apartment that Percy Weasley lived in for a short time when he separated from his family to support the Ministry's ignorant stance on Potter and the Dark Lord. 

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