Chapter 13

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Quick PSA I have a new story out called rivals please check it out.. now on with the story.

I woke up the next day sore, I get out of bed and limp to the kitchen. I see shota sitting at the table drinking coffee, I stop for a second take a deep breath then walk to the best of my ability to the fridge. "Ivy you really shouldn't be out of bed." He says standing up.
"I don't need help I'm managing just fine. Not like you would be much help anyway." I mumble that last part under my breath.
"Sorry for fucking trying. Fuck Ivy why the hell are you suck a pain in my ass." He say slamming his coffee on the table.
"What is wrong with you." I say glaring at him. "What did I do to you."
"What did you do to me, you told me you loved me then said you didn't then run off and come back broken and bruised." He says raising his voice a little bit.
"It's not my fault You decided to fall for your student." I snap at him. "All you do is make empty promises and judge me."
"What fucking promises." He growls.
"How about i won't let him hurt you like that again. You can't even protect yourself." I snap back.
I look at him and glare. "I LEFT SO YOU WOULD BE SAFE YOU ASSHOLE." I go back to my room and slam the door leaving shota shocked at my sudden out burst. He is so frustrating he doesn't understand anything. I lay in my bed and go back to sleep running away from my problems.

I wake up around four hours later, I hear my stomach growl. Oh yeah I fought with shota and went back to sleep without eating. I get up and walk to my door and look out to see if shota was in the kitchen. Thank god, I don't have the energy to fight right now. I walk over to the fridge and get some fruit, I hear the door open and hide.
"Just I don't understand her." Shota says clearly drunk.
"I mean it clear from what she said that she cares for you." Mic says.
"What do you mean have you not been listening. She told me to basically fuck off and that she doesn't love me." Shota says a little slurred.
"I mean she is right, it is your fault for falling for your student." Mic says with a light chuckle.
"Okay fuck you mic." Shota says.
"Man you know I love you but I rather not. On a serious note it seems like she did this because she doesn't want to see you hurt." Mic responds.
"Yeah whatever, I'll get over it. Joke is always an option I mean she has had a thing for me since high school." Shota says taking a drink of his beer. "She could be a nice distraction for a while." Shota said.
"Dude wh-"
"I'm going to jokes later mic." Shota interrupts mic.
"Aizawa is that a good idea. You are really going to lose her if you go fuck that woman." Mic warns.
"Mic I've already lost her..." shota says slamming the door.

After hearing their conversation I start crying from my hiding place. It takes a minute and mic is in front of me wide eyed.
"Shit Ivy" he says pulling me into his arms for a hug. "He isn't thinking straight don't read into it.
"He is going to go see joke." I say crying into his arms.

Time skip.

Over the next few days I don't see much of shota, but mic has been coming over a lot more. He even brought Eri one time, she is a delightful. I haven't heard much about my family and it seems monoma dropped out. I come home after hanging out with Mina and kirishima and hear giggling in the living room. I quietly peak around the corner to see who was here and I see joke and shota walking into his room. They close the door and shortly later I hear moaning.  I grab my stuff and run out of our place and run till I get to mics.
*knock knock*
"Coming" I hear him say from behind the door. He opens it and sees me with tears in my eyes, i look around him and see a girl on his couch.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you had company... I'll go." I say starting to walk off.
"No please come in. Sakura it was lovely to see you but I'm going to have to say goodbye now." He say turning to the lady.
"Oh that's fine dear, please let me know when you want to continue our meeting." The lady says with a smile.
Mic brings me inside and finishes his goodbyes with Sakura and come and sits with me on the couch.
"Im sorry i ruined your date.." I say lowering my head.
"You didn't that was Eri's teacher. We were discussing her future." He says with a light chuckle. "Anyway ivy why are you here?" He asks. I look at him and break into tears remembering what I saw and heard. "H-He is fucking her." I say breaking down crying.
Mic looks at me. "Who, joke?" He asks.
"Yes i saw and heard them." I say crying on his shoulder now. Mic pulls me into his arms, and holds me.
"Why would he bring her there what the fuck is wrong with him." He says angrily. "I'm so sorry Ivy you deserve so much better." He says patting my head.  I slowly stop crying and eventually I'm just laying in his arms and some how on his lap straddling him. With my head in his neck. "I don't have a right to be upset I am the one who ended things." I finally say.
"You have a right to be upset." He says making me look at him. I lean my head against his and fall into silence, I lift back up and kiss him. He kisses me back for a moment and then pulls away. "Ivy what are you doing."
"Please mic, just for a moment make me forget. I know it's selfish and horrible of me to ask, but please make it stop hurting." I say with tears in my eyes.
"Ivy I can give you a distraction but once it's over it's all going to come back... and it's going to hurt all over again." He says stroking my hair.
"Can you at least hold me and let me stay here for the night." I ask.
"Of course." He responds.

PLOT TWIST WOAH WHO SAW THAT COMING. I hope you enjoyed chapter 13 till next time.

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