Chapter 40

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I slam open nezus door. "Either Eri comes with me or you can find another hero."
"Nice to see you too." Nezu puts down the papers in front of him, turning towards the person in front of him. "You heard her, which will it be."
"Well I guess it's a good thing I made room for her." Mephisto turns around. "I was wondering how long until you where going to make this demand. Good thing I'm always prepared." Mephisto gives me a smile.

"One more thing. If I think any harm will come to my family, I will not hesitate to kill anyone. Understood?"

"Ms. Psyche!" Nezu slams his hand on the table.
I roll my eyes looking back at Mephisto. "Understood."
"Yes... understood." He looks at me curiously. I shrug it off, heading towards the door. "I now know why everyone is scared of you." His words stop me, I turn to him slowly.
"What do you mean."

"Well dear girl, your quirk is so powerful. I had even hard time not letting it effect me." Mephisto looked at me with a smile.
"You are immune to my quirk?"
" I'm immune to most, very little can hurt me." A smug smile forms across his face. "We leave tomorrow."

I nod my head and leave. What is going on this just gets weirder and weirder. I head to my class to say goodbye to my students.
"Ms.psyche will you be coming back?"
"Don't worry, eraserhead and I will both be back in four months at most." I give them all a sweet smile.
"I'm going to miss you.." one of my more shy students says.
" I will miss you all. Sukana don't worry you will be just fine."

"Okay that's the bell I will see you all in a couple months." I get off my desk giving them a sweet wave. As they pass I get bear hugged, and tackled by my students. "Bye guys, be good for present mic."

I head back to Mina and I's place, I walk in seeing Mina in the kitchen. Yesterdays conversation weighing heavily on my mind. "I'm here to pick up something's, I'll leave quickly." I start walking to my room quickly.

"Ivy wait." I stop in my tracks looking at her. "This isn't how I want things, I don't want you leaving like this." She walks over grabbing my hands pulling me into a tight hug.
"I just want to give you your time." I say hugging her back.
"My time." She says laughing. "I will have plenty of time while you are gone."

"If that ain't the truth." I laugh pulling out of the hug. "Goodbye mina."
"I'll see you when you get back." Mina gives me a smile.
"Yeah. See you then."

I walk to my room to grab some clothes and other things that may be needed. I look around my room which is mostly empty thanks to Mephisto. I close my door and head towards aizawas, on my way I hear my phone ring.
"Psyche here."
[orca: your assistance is needed there was a villian attack on Aldera junior high.]

That's Eris school! "Understood." I speed my car to the school cops following close behind. I jump out of my car running towards the other heros.
"Ma'am please stop. You are under arrest."
"I'm a hero, here catch." I throw my hero license at them. Running towards the school, I look for orca.
"Psyche, you are in civilian clothes."
"No shit, tell me the update in our situation." I grab an ear piece.
"Well there's 16 villains. Most of them are spread out covering the entrences, but there is three guarding this room here." He points to the map slowly.
"How many hostages?"
"Most of the school escaped, but we believe there is 34." Orca turns towards me. "I wouldn't have called you since your daughter is one of them, but they have a nomu."
"I thought we destroyed all of them when we took out the LOV?" I look down at the blue print looking for another way in.

"We thought the same thing but I guess they are rebuilding again." Orca looks down at the blue print pointing to the air vent. "This is the only way in if we want to sneak in."
"Wheres Deku? Aren't nomus like his thing." I crack a smile.
"He went back to america last week. You are probably the only one who can destroy it. Just try not to bring down the school." Orca smiles at me.
I nod my head and start towards the building.

"One more thing." Orca calls after me. "Leave Eri to us we will get her."
"Fat chance that's the first thing I'm doing."
I walk away orcas protest fading in the background. I fly up to the top of the building, I take off the vent cover climbing in.
I slide down landing as softly as I can at the bottom of the vent shaft. I breath in releasing my mental block letting all the voices in, I look for the one voice I know I'll recognize.
Found her.

I take a left crawling as quietly as I can, i find an opening above the classroom.
One, by the window. Second, by the door. Third, standing next to the students.
I see Eri holding her friends hands. Telling them they will be fine, ahhh look at my strong girl.
"Eri." She shoots her head looking around.
"Stay calm and don't make a scene. Rub your eye if you understand me."
Eri rubs her eye, causing the guard to yell at her to put her hand down.
"I'm sorry.. my eye itched."
"Eri I need you to be strong, It's going to be loud. Protect your friends."
I take off the vent, waiting for the guard to walk by. "Hey Im about to attack."
"Psyche wait we aren't ready!"

Well here it goes. I drop on to the guys shoulder falling forward wrapping my legs around his neck.
I pull him towards the ground using him as a sheild, I throw the guy by the window through it with my quirk. The guy by the door charges at me.
I jump out of the way pulling him backwards towards me by the collar of his shirt. I knock him out, I look around to see if anyone is coming. I look down at the students.
"Well I bet that wasn't on the lesson plan." I say laughing, Eri runs up to hug me.

I'm so sorry I meant to publish this literal months ago I totally forgot. I come back to see it has 61k views!! Yall are totally awesome. My real book is coming along. It's about a witch named ivona who saves her town from her dad. When it's finally out do yall want me to post a picture and link to my website so you can buy it? It's a teen romance book series I plan on at least three books in the series let me know!! I am also thinking about writing a spicy fantasy romance book too should I👀👀

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