Chapter 38

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Tw:blood, extreme violence, mentions of rape:

"Yuki, my family..." I walk around him kicking him on the ground. "My daughter in particular.. is the most Important thing to me."

"Where was this attitude when daddy snapped poor mommy's neck." He laugh, blood trickling down his chin.

I stomp my heel into his hand, causing him to scream. "Say another word and I'll slit your fucking throat." I grab him by the hair pulling him up to look at him. "Threatening my daughter will be the end of you."
"You don't have the guts." He spit blood in my face. "You are to much of a soft hearted bitch." 

I look at him for a second, wiping the blood from my face. I drop him to the ground, and start to walk away.
"See what did I tell you nothing but a scared slut, in a costume." His laughter echoed in my ears as I grabbed the knife. I turn back around walking swiftly towards him, i lean down. Wiping my finger prints of the blade.

"You just had to open the stupid fucking mouth, and ruin my fun." I quickly grab his hand placing the knife in it. "Any last words?"

"I should have raped you when I had the chan-" I swipe the blade across his neck before he can finish.

"What was that? I didn't hear you." I kick his body over to koya. "You know, shota wanted me to spare you." I walk over to her, letting out a light giggle. "But then.. you said that dumb ass shit."
"You monster." Her eyes filled with fear as Yuki as blood pours out of him.

"I never said I was a saint." I shrug my shoulders. " I was raised to be a killer, i decided I would become a hero. Have morals, not kill anyone." I crouch down in front of her. "Looks like that didn't work huh." I rest my head on my hands.

"You will never be a hero, I'll tell everyone what happened." Her voice shaky, her legs pulling into her chest.

"What makes you think I'll let you walk out of here alive?"

"If you were going to kill me.." taking a shaky breath she continues. "You would have by now."

I let out a sigh. "You aren't wrong, but not right either. You see.." I push myself up. "Im still deciding." I start to pace in front of her. "Were you the one who held the knife to my family's throats.. no you were not." I move my hand through my hair. "But you did tell them where to find them." I start slowly crushing her wind pipe. " so In reality.. this whole thing is your fault."

She grabs at her neck gasping for air, kicking her legs. "Pl- please s-stop."
"You really should have taken my warning more seriously." I release her windpipe letting her take some deep breaths. "I'm going to give you one chance to convince me to let you live. Go"

She sat there quietly, the blood on the ground soaking her clothes. I roll my eyes, getting up walking towards the door.
"Come." I beckon her to follow me. We walk through the house, her face filled with horror.

"I've come to a decision, I don't need anymore blood on my hands. So instead you are going to make yourself useful." I turn towards her. "You killed all of these people. You went on a rampage, because your love was not returned. You tried to kill Mina and Eri, but prohero Eraserhead stopped you." I put quirk suppressing cuffs on her.
"Do you understand?"

"Yes." She states sitting on the ground. I look around to find Eri and Mina. My eyes land on eri, she is covered with a blanket crying.
I quickly run toward her, I pull her into my arms.
"I was so scared." She cried into my shoulder.
"I know baby. It's okay I've got you." She wrapped her arms around met tightly.
"Please don't leave me again." She whispered into my shoulder. I held her tight thinking about the job in three days. "Never again." I give her a kiss on the head, picking her up walking over to shota and Mina.
"How's your head feeling?"

"It will be better soon, it's funny never thought I'd be the one getting kidnapped." She said laughing horsily.
"Now you can't make fun of bakugo anymore." I smirk at her.
"Don't worry I'll find something else." She Rubs her head, looking at Eri. "What are you going to do? Your mission is in a couple days."
I take a deep breath rubbing Eris back as she falls asleep. "We will just take her with us, after this. I really don't want to let her out of my sight."

"That's understandable.... Ivy I think I'm going to move in with denki." She takes a deep breath. "Denki and aizawa 2.0 offered me a room a couple weeks ago. I haven't given them an answer yet.." she gives me a weak smile.

"I totally get it, don't worry. I had fun while it lasted, but it's a good idea since people know where we live now." I say.
She gives me a strong smile. "You already know we will still be super close."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." I give her a big smile. We talk a bit more to get a grasp on what happened, until the hero's arrive.
"We all agree on the story?" I whisper as they take koya into custody.

"Yes." Mina and shota say in unison. I put Eri down in the car letting her continue to sleep.
I walk over and give my statement, and answering questions on why I was covered in blood.
After many hours of questioning we were finally free to go. "Could Eri and I stay at your place?"
"Always." Shota says grabbing my hand.

We driving to his place, he take Eri into the house putting her to sleep. While I take a shower and change. I walk out falling onto the couch closing my eyes.
I hear my phone ring, I grab it to answer.


"Hey, it's Rin."

"Sup brother from another mother." I respond yawning.

"I heard what happened. I wanted to check up, and make sure you where still willing to do the mission."

"Yeah, I'm just going to have to take Eri with us. Those are the new conditions, she will just join the class." I look at my nails noticing one is chipped.

"She isn't in high school yet. I don't know if that can work." Rin states.

"Make it work, say she skipped a couple grades. Shota and I will pose as teachers, Eri will accompany us. End of story." I demand.

"I'll make it work, are you okay housing with aizawa?"

"Yeah that's fine just get a two bedroom."

"Okay see you then."

"See you then." I hang up the phone, setting it down on the table.

I walk into shotas room climbing into the bed covers. I close my eyes getting ready for sleep to take me.
"Making ourselves at home in my bed." Shota climbs in next to me.
"Yeah so what." I roll over to look at him.
"Nothing, heard you on the phone." He pushes hair out of my face. "Eris coming with us."
"I won't leave her, not after what just happened." I look at him.
"Good I wanted her to come in the first place." He laughed lightly.
I admire his smile and how his eyes light up, When he talks about Eri. She really is his world. "Goodnight Shota aizawa."
"Goodnight Ivy Huxley." He reaches over turning off the lights. We lay there silently, each of us to scared to make a sound. Worried we might ruin, whatever this was.

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