Chapter 18

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We walk home, when we arrive I go to my room and change into some pajamas. I walk out and meet aizawa on the couch.
"You looked beautiful in the dress, but I got to be honest I got jealous as shit when everyone basically eyefucked you. I much prefer you like this." He said sitting down handing me a beer.
"I guess you could say I was the bell of the ball." I say with a light laugh.
"Yes very funny." He said rolling his eyes taking a gulp. "To be honest I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you right here and now, but it's to soon for that."
"Forward much!!" I say blushing madly.
"If I hadn't been straight up you would have just read my mind and found out." He said plainly.
"Actually I am constantly on mental strain because I put a block up now." I say. "I didn't want to hear your thoughts.. so I learned how to master that skill."
"Oh.. well fuck me then." His eyes widen. "Wait no i didn't mean.... FUCKKK." He said hanging his head down.
"HAHAH." I fall over laughing holding my stomach.
"Yeah whatever ivy." He says taking a swig with a light laugh. He gets a serious look on his face and puts his beer down. "Ivy.. what are you going to do about your dad."
"I'm going to lock him up." I say.
"Really?" He asks.
"Yes, as much as I'd love to kill him. I'm not a murder like him." I say glaring off in space.
"I also hope to get my mom and brother out of his grasp. I want to help them see the truth behind his lies." I say. Aizawa grabs my hand and rubs circles on it. I look at him with a half smile and pull my hand away.
"Ivy. I hope you know how sorry I am, and how much I love you." He says.
I let his voice in my head. Please believe me I truly do feel horrible for what I did.
"Aizawa i believe you feel bad for what you did but that doesn't erase the hurt that it put me threw. I spent days crying over what I heard and saw." I say looking back at him fighting tears.
"I know it doesn't but I was hurt and confused on why you left. It didn't mean anything I promise." He says tears in his eyes.
"How Can you love me and sleep with her." I ask crying now.
"You dated sero after we broke up." He says in a accusing tone.
"Two months after we broke up, and we never slept together." I say raising my voice. "And it lasted like two weeks because i was in love with you."
He got quite for a moment. "I never knew.. I am going to try my hardest to win back your trust and win back your heart." He says with a light smile. I look at him and see that he really means it. I nod my head, "okay Can we just stay friends for now though I still need time to heal." I say.
"Of course, as long as you are in my life I will be happy." He says opening his arms inviting me into a hug. I hesitantly lean it and let myself melt into his touch. Realizing how much I missed his warmth. We stay silent in each other's arms for a while before we say goodnight and head towards our rooms.
I lay down on my bed wondering if I had made the right decision. I really didn't have a reason to be upset I did end things but still he slept with her before even trying to talk to me. I'm glad we talked but I don't think I'm ready to forgive and forget quite yet. I roll over and close my eyes letting sleep take me
The next morning it's move out day so I pack all of my things and head to my new apartment the school help me set up. Only a select few know where I live because my dad is still on the run. Once I arrive I start to unload box's and unpack.
"Hello." I say into my phone.
"Hello ivy this is endeavor, the meeting for our next step of action is tonight." Endeavor said.
God how can he sound so fucking narsassistic over the phone. "Alright thank you for letting me know." I respond.
"The time and place will be sent to you momentarily." He said then hung up.
Just then I hear a knock at the door. I walk over and open it to see one of hawks feathers attached to a note. I open and read the letter:
Place: hero plaza, suit 224
Penthouse code:24361
I walk over to the counter and write down the information and finish reading the letter. We have new information on akeldama (blade Huxley) come in hero uniform we are moving into night.
I put down the letter and head to my room and start unpacking. About an hour later I'm done and have found my hero suit. I don't know why they made mine so slutty. It's a black suit with a low v-neck (good support though) think cat woman and there you go with out the cat ears of course. I head to the shower and get in,

Time skip

I arrive at the meeting place and see a bunch of pro hero's.
"Can you believe we are finally getting that bastard akeldama." I over hear one of them say.
"Yeah and I heard his daughter is the reason. Apparently she has been giving the pros all kinds of information." The other one says.
"How fucked up do you have to be to have your own flesh and blood betray you." The first one says.
"Yeah and she is going to be at the meeting as a pro hero." The other one says.
"I can't wait to see what kind of fucked up she is. Do you think she's hot?" The first one asks. I snicker making them turn their attention to me.
"Why you laughing." The first one says with a glare.
"Oh I just think it's funny that we are here to catch the Blade Huxley." I take a breath put my hand on hip. "And here you are asking if his daughter is hot." I say.
"What's it matter to you, ive never even seen you before. Fucking new comers need to learn there place when talking to their betters. I'm the 14th and he's the 15th hero." He spat.

I feel an arm drap across my shoulders. "Now why are you picking on my friends." I look up to see Hizashi. I smile and look back at the pro hero's.
"Oh present mic I didn't know you knew eachother." The 14th hero states. I see the 15th hero try and sneak away but was caught by shotas scarf.
"I don't think you answered my friend here." Shota says with a yawn resting his arm on my head.

"I'm not a fucking arm rest you too." I say glaring at Hizashi and shota.
"We weren't picking on her, she started antagonizing us." The 15th hero said.
I roll my eyes. "I don't have time for such childish people I have to get inside. Coming?" I say walking towards the entrence.

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