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a/n) I prob didn't need to split these, I lowkey just liked the ending lol. it's kinda sad the invincible fandom is so small??? if it were on netflix instead I can tell you already it would be the next voltron (but like, better)

Rule of Thirds


I never got to experience 'day two of sitting with William' because I had a 'family emergency' during third hour and had to leave school early.

By family emergency, I mean the Flaxons were back again making the same exact destruction in the same exact spot in the middle of town. Maybe it was funny the first time but I'm not laughing anymore.

The commute there was much easier this time, as Teen Team had been so gracious to pick me up from school. We met at a location off site-out of sight of course, but they'd rolled up in their fancy aircraft and flew me straight in with them.

It was a lot more "superhero" than the car, that's for sure. Faster, too.

"How are they back again?"  I exclaimed. 

"Determination?  I don't know what they think they're going to do - they haven't even made it out of the city," Kate remarked, although I noticed the way her shoulders tensed.

My hands tightly gripped whatever I could grab for stability as we flew, currently being the underside of the seat.  Robot kept making too-sharp turns and I was afraid I was going to fly off and die before I even got to the fight.  I wasn't very afraid of heights, but the difference between this and flying in an enclosed plane was stark.

As we neared the site of impact, it was clear to see something had changed. 

No longer were people being blasted straight through - they were being vaporized.  Their armor had doubled in size, and likely durability.  Even their ships were unrecognizable.

"I have bad news," Robot reported.

Oh really?

"Oh!  Robot has bad news everybody!  Did you hear that?  Hey, Robot, what's the bad news?" Rex exclaimed, gesticulating expressively.

"There are too many of them, their technology has advanced too far, and they've rendered themselves immune to our time stream," Robot explained monotonously. For such a dramatic topic, his voice seemed to almost downplay it. "We should consider the city lost.  Our best bet is a nuclear response."

"What? No!  No way," Invincible immediately argued.

"Absolutely not happening," I agreed, looking out at the destruction going on. "These people have lives, too."

"We're not nuking anyone, Robot.  We can't give up," Eve added, flying beside us. Her and Invincible dipped down into the fray, headstrong.

"What are we, Fight Force?" Kate remarked, hopping out of the ship.

"I love you man, but sometimes you've got a screw loose," Rex said, following suit. He jumped off with a whoop.

"I don't use screws," Robot told me, a barely tangible tint of annoyance in his voice. "My fastenings are all magnetic interlocks."

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