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Thank you guys sm for 10k reads!!! This chapter took extra long because tbh it inspired this whole story and wanted it to be perfect.  Enjoy :)


Tell Me How It Goes


Upwards of a week went by before I got my courage up. You'd think that a superhero would have no issue gaining the confidence to ask someone out in their regular persona, but you'd be very wrong.

There was quite a bit of pacing, note writing, and pros and cons lists done before I could even begin to advance with my plans. I briefly mentioned the topic to William, but I tried to be as vague as possible.

On the one hand, I didn't want him taking matters into his own hands. And on the same hand, I was still unnerved by Minta's words. I hated I was so nervous around him now, but she was in my head.  I'd never had any reason to believe William wished me ill harm, but maybe that was because I wasn't looking for it?

Safe to say, Minta had succeeded in creating an abundance of paranoia within me. If for some reason that was her goal, she did a damn good job.

On the other hand, the only other person I felt comfortable to talk to about this was Eve. But since Eve had just gone through a shitty breakup (and was maybe romancing Invincible?) I felt like it wasn't appropriate to ask.

Unfortunately, the issue was that I was beginning to think Minta was right.

Every time I tried to get Mark alone, he was with Amber.  Or William, a couple times, but that was to be expected.

At school?  Amber.

In town?  Amber.

Mark's house?  Amber.

Yes.  I really did show up one day, and Amber really was at his house.

Apparently they were working on a project.

In a situation like this, I'd like to think of myself as the type to not jump to conclusions.  I don't know they're dating.  Maybe they're just friends, or have school work, or some miscellaneous thing like that.

But considering the frequency, and Minta's speech, it was hard not to believe the first thing that came to mind. 

And who could blame them?  Both parties were attractive, and had interesting personalities, and there was no reason for them to not be together.  It seemed like a match made in heaven.

Which made it all the more worse when I had to accept it was over.  I didn't want to - I wanted to at least ask, and know, and put my feelings on the table.

Maybe that was selfish of me, but that's okay.  I was allowed to be selfish, just this once. 

But I couldn't even be selfish if I didn't get the chance.

I found myself atop the same roof I'd been to plentiful times.  It was a chillier night, the wind blowing in my hair and whistling through the air.  My clothes did little to shield me. My cheeks were red with cold and emotion.

I'd left my teleporter at home, somewhat recklessly, but I had to believe the world would stop for me just this time.  That I could get a moment of silence tonight, just for me, just to think. 

I'd been through so much, and today I was going to be selfish.  I was going to be (Y/N), a human, a normal person for tonight.  Affinity could come back tomorrow. I just needed time time to think as myself, and not as a hero.

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