Part 4- Hesitation

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Miles lay as still as stone on his bed for what seemed like forever with the cold comfort of his father beside him at long last. He felt as if it was all a dream- this is the early hours of the morning after all, and the unbearably ghostly yet graceful chill that Gregory gave off emphasised his uncontrolled emotions by such an amount he was still trying to snap himself out of this trance as his Father brushed a kind hand over his face a second time, almost if he was beckoning Miles to speak and talk to him.

"My son... It's been so long..." The ghost spoke again, a faint smile on his lips, and Miles was yet again reminded that it felt like his mind was going to collapse into itself under mental fatigue from the way Gregory's desired words formed in his own head rather than travelling through the air around them.

The man crouched onto the bed, his weight seeming not to make a difference to the distribution of pressure on the surface, yet he held his son as gently as ever, as if Miles was a child once more. Without communicating, it was obvious that the two of them wished for as much peaceful bliss as this whenever they could. However, as they know, a few 'complications' got in the way of that, thus why they are in their current situation.

After many instances of hesitation and shallow breathing in his Father's arms, Miles eventually spoke up, a single word, no less: ""

In which the translucent spectre answered with lighthearted words and a small chuckle while continuing to carress his child, "I don't know, my boy, what do you think?"

A long pause and many uneven but slowing breaths before the prosecutor spoke again.

"....The gemstone" he mumbled, gesturing to his own hand that was still clutching the rock tightly as if it was some sort of pacifier.

"I see..." his Father responded, gazing for another look into his son's eyes with careful precision and love, "and when did you receive this said gemstone?"

Miles gave a brief but leisurely and mildly detailed summary of the events that preceded this current situation, and regained his composure little by little, gradually accepting the fact that an illogical figure that looks and acts very much like his Father is sitting next to him, with a voice that takes up much of his concentration to focus upon, and a form of that of something out of a spectre from a high budget horror movie.

Gregory nodded in acknowledgement.

"Although it would be a joy to catch up with your many other life events, I suggest you get beck to sleep while you still have the chance, no? It'll be like old times..." and he smiled again. It reminded Miles of that man, or rather, the opposite away around, and subconsciously he has been taking in these similar signs of compassion from so many people around him, and he hasn't realised that it all ties back to his own Father. It's a miracle, when he thinks about it.

The conversation moved onwards as Miles was slowly coersed into laying back down onto his side after being stubborn about resting his eyes just for a few more hours until his day needed to start. However, his Father's words soothed him, and he soon found himself drifting off to sleep, Megatama slowly slipping out of his grasp.

'Was this all a dream?' the words plagued the prosecutor's mind as he struggled to shut off his mind to the outside world

It sure felt like a supernatural experience to Miles, but it was too realistic to avoid thinking about it as his eyes darted across the darkness that befell him as he attempted to rest in the fading cold comfort of Gregory's meticulous movements, resting him gradually until his eyes finally shut firmly, allowing his mind to wonder.

'Tomorrow, or rather, today, can wait for just a few more hours', were his last thoughts before drifting off into his dreams like a child would on Christmas Eve.


//HHHHH sorry for the slow updates and the small chapter but I'm getting there.
Greg's gonna see /that man/ in the next chapter, so look out for it! :D

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