Chapter 4

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Seth opened the door for me as we left the bar. I walked silently to the passenger side of his truck, he ran ahead of me and opened it. I glared at him and climbed inside the cab. I waited for him to get in, when he started the engine he asked me, "Do you want to go for a drive?"

I shook my head, "No. Just take me home." He looked at me but I didn't meet his eyes. I just stared out the side window, resting my chin on my hand. Seth sighed and pulled out of the parking lot.

"If you don't want to come out to the farm, you don't have to, baby. I just wanted you to be comfortable. They would have insisted it be at one of their farms otherwise. I could just tell them you weren't feeling well." He told me.

I chuckled dryly, "Sure, sure. I guess that could work. Then you can just tell them about what I'm like to fuck. I can tell they are dying to know."

As we pulled into my drive way, Seth cut the engine and turned his body in the truck, "I would never talk to them about that. That's private."

"Private huh? Whatever. I don't care, talk about it all you want, but don't call me your girlfriend when you do it." I hissed.

He frowned at me, "Why would I tell them about the two of us together? Sure they asked, but I just said it wasn't their business."

I turned to face him, "Yeah right. Whatever Seth." He raised his hands, "Why would I do that? I am proud of you, you aren't a nobody to me, you are Margot, my girlfriend."

We let the silence fill the truck cab for a few moments before he raised his eyebrows at me, "Is this about what Danny said? About your mom?"

My eyes went wild, "Don't you fucking talk about my mother! You don't know shit, no one does! So just shut the fuck up!"

Seth leaned back against the door, "I'm not saying anything bad! I just asked if that's what you are upset about!"

"Fuck you Seth Walker! Get the fuck out of my drive way!" I shouted as I opened the truck door and slammed the door of his truck as hard as I could.

He followed me out towards my door, "Margot, come on!"

"Get lost!" I shouted as loud as I could, making sure all the neighbors could hear me. Seth raised his hands in defeat and froze in place. I unlocked my front door and stepped inside. I slammed my own door so hard I broke it but I didn't care. I crossed my living room to the kitchen where I took out a beer and drank it down in two big gulps. I was so mad; all I saw was red. I drank about three beers before I went to my bedroom and got undressed. My phone was blowing up but I ignored it. I made sure my alarm was set for work the next morning and went to sleep, trying to forget about my short lived relationship with Seth.

I woke up before my alarm, I hadn't slept well the night before. Coffee I decided, I needed coffee that morning. As it percolated, I considered just injecting the caffeine into my veins but I wasn't sure I would survive that so when it was finished I drank a big mug of black coffee. It tasted so good, I almost had an orgasm from the relief of it.

My phone had been going off all night right up until 4am. I still hadn't checked any of the messages, I was pretty sure I would have broken my phone if I had. After a quick shower I had a smoke with my second cup of morning java. I realized I needed to go laundry that night, as I was wearing my last set of scrubs. They were my least favorite, light purple set. I only bought them because Mark's Work Warehouse was having a sale and they were like 80% off. They were my last resort; every other pair is dirty set of scrubs. I sighed, I looked like a girly girl in these stupid things.

I finally took out my phone and check my texts, there were over twenty-five from Seth. I wasn't ready to open them yet so I checked to see if there was anything else. Calvin had sent me two messages, which I opened, 'Really, no response? Mature.' And 'Whatever, you weren't that good anyway.'

I rolled my eyes, what an ass. I didn't care what he said, I could tell he was just hurt that I had been the one to call it off instead of him. It was a pride thing, for some reason guys liked to be the ones who decided when you slept with them. Calvin wasn't particularly great in bed, but he liked to do oral on me before fucking me, which was the closest I had ever come to having an orgasm with a partner so sleeping with him was better then most. I was a bit sad that I had called things off with him because of the whole 'girlfriend/boyfriend' thing with Seth. I decided if I was still felt like it in a few days, I would text him and offer a blowjob as an apology. I was certain Calvin would accept that. I took a bungie cord from my trunk and pulled my door closed so it wouldn't blow open while I was at work. I would have to fix that later.

Work was uneventful that day. I spent my shift making about ten pies with Splenda instead of sugar for our patients. They were a huge hit, of course. Who doesn't love home made, fresh baked pie? Caroline and Charlie were both over the moon. I stayed for supper that day, just to see everyone's faces when they got their pie. Of course, there was also berry flavored Jell-O for the patients who couldn't live without it.

As I drove home I stopped by the off-sale and picked up a six pack of beer. I also picked up a micky of vodka while I waited in line at the till. I felt a tap on my shoulder, when I turned around I saw Nate standing behind me.

He smiled at me, "Hey Margot, how's it going?"

I held a board expression, "Fine. You?"

"Good, thanks. What did you get?" he asked.

I didn't answer, I just showed him my beverages. I thought to myself, he obviously could already see what I was buying so why bother asking.

He held out his own case of Bud Light with a chuckle, "It's time to replenish my garage fridge supply."

I nodded and turned back to face the till. I didn't understand why he was bothering to talk to me, he never had before. Even though I was sleeping with his friend, or rather was, Nate and I were not friends. I didn't need new friends, and I really didn't want Seth's friends.

"It was nice to see you and Seth last night. I'm happy for you guys." He offered. I didn't turn around, I just muttered, "Whatever."

Nate tapped my shoulder again, I sighed heavily and turned to face him again, "What?!"

He was taken aback by my tone, "Sorry, I just thought you should know that Danny was out of line last night. Seth tuned him in before you both left the bar, so it won't happen next time we all hang out."

I turned back to my place in line and didn't respond. Nate didn't owe me an explanation; I knew he probably thought the same thing as Danny had. The difference was that Danny didn't have a filter on his mouth to stop himself from talking. I paid for my alcohol and left, I didn't say anything else to Nate and he didn't try to engage me in conversation again.

When I got home I pulled my bags from the back of my car and headed towards my broken door. When I got there, I realized it had been replaced. I hadn't called anyone to fix it, I looked around, there was no one around. I opened the screen door and found a note taped to my new door, it read, 'Hey baby, I replaced your door today and took the old one to the dump. The knob is the same so your keys will still work the same. I'm sorry about last night, please text me back. Seth'

I put my key in the lock, and it did indeed work the same. I went into my house and set all my stuff down. I was shaking, I took out a cigarette and lit it up. Seth Walker had replaced the door I broke last night, without being asked, and he was sorry for what happened though he didn't technically do anything wrong.

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