Chapter 9

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"What time are you done work today?" Seth asked me as he poured us each a cup of coffee. I glanced at my phone, it was 7:32am, I needed to get on the road pretty quick if I didn't want to be late.

I took a sip, "5pm, why?" He shrugged and smirked at me, "I dunno, just wondering. Would you like to come to poker night with my buddies?"

"Hell no. I'm good, thanks." I muttered. Seth chuckled and shook his head, "Alright. Then I won't see you again today babe. I'll text you later."

I drank down my coffee and picked up my purse and duffle bag, "See you later, Romeo." I started toward the door, but he caught my wrist, "Kiss baby?"

I rolled my eyes, "You are like a puppy." Seth smiled and brushed his lips lightly against mine, "Just a bit."

I pecked his lips and ran out the door. Being late for work wasn't in my DNA, so I drove too fast down the gravel road. By the time I got to the hospital it was two minutes to 8am, I ran to punch in. I knew Marc wouldn't make a big deal about it if I was a minute late but it was the principle of the thing, I was never late and it bugged me. When I got to the kitchen Dana was chopping vegetable and Marc was stirring his soup pot. It was a day just like any other.

I checked the daily menu, lunch was turkey salad sandwiches. I started preparing the meal. Marc glanced over at me and smiled, "Good morning Margot."

He didn't usually bother with pleasantries, I looked up to meet his gaze, "Good morning." I wasn't sure where it was going but Marc just turned his eyes back to his soup pot. I stared at him for a moment, a bit confused when Dana leaned over the counter, "Word gets around in a small town." She smiled knowingly at me.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I sneered at her. It hadn't occurred to me that people would be interested in Seth and I, but of course they would be. In our little town, it would be big news for the farmer's son to be dating the town weirdo. I shouldn't care but it still hit me, I tried to ignore it.

Dana smiled at me, "I'm happy for you." I looked up but she had returned to cutting vegetables. I watched her for a moment while she did her menial task. I hadn't considered Dana to be my friend, but in her mind, maybe we were. I didn't really have friends; I suppose Matt thought of himself as my friend but that was different.

"Thanks." I said softly. As I pulled the turkey meat apart to chop it up Dana said, "You're welcome."

The three of us continued our usual work in silence. I took lunch around to the patients by 11:30am. Caroline was so happy to see me. Her daughter had been to visit her that morning and brought her a bouquet of daisies. They were lovely. I stayed with her for an extra couple of minutes to read the card.

When I stopped in front of Charlie's room I heard there was a nurse in with him. They seemed to be arguing. I took the tray in to his room and set it on top of the dresser. I tried to slip back out but Charlie called out my name, "Margot! This crazy woman wants me to wear a god damn diaper! What do you think of that!"

The nurse standing next to him was Estelle, she was a nice woman in her late thirties. She'd been working with the patients in the home for the past three years. She looked at me with sad eyes, but spoke to Charlie, "You don't have to wear adult pull ups if you don't want to, but they would make things less awkward for you."

"Don't sugar coat it, it's because I piss myself in the night! Just say it! Say it!" Charlie shouted. He was frustrated by the break down of his body with old age. Losing control over your body was one of the last things to happen to the elderly. I could only imagine how that would feel, it was a fate waiting for each of us.

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