-The Truth- Part 4

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(This is a more fluff chapter so if you are up for it I'd continue reading this chapter)

I snuggle into her chest as tightly as one could, she caresses my head and rubs my back with her nails, slowly but surely I fell in a beautiful slumber.

I wake up to a loud noise, like really loud but I couldn't tell what it was, I open my eyes and see the alarm clock go off, The bright red numbers blinking every beep, Nat groans and smashes the clock with her hand, it shattered pieces everywhere, I sprung up and said

"Hey that's a perfectly fine clock!"

She groans more and turns over, I sigh and go to comfort her but have a wave of headache and puke, i heard my stomachs gurgling noises and thot


I get up quickly fighting the headache, and rush over to the bathroom stumbling in and hitting my right arm on the door frame, I get to the toilet and pull the lid up, and blow.

Nat comes in slowly and hold my hair, she says with no enthusiasm

"You'll be ok"

I wipe my mouth off and flush, I look back at Nat in disgust and say


She says


I say

"What's got in to you today"

She yells


I role my eyes and turn to the toilet and blow again.

After like 7 minutes of puking I wipe my mouth and flush, I turn around and look at her, she was pale, looked more thin then usually, very faint dark circles around her eyes, and dry lips, I felt another wave of headache hit me and reach the sink for Aspirin, I pop one with no water and sigh, I say

"What's wrong"

She gets up and washes her hands at the sink and says nothing, I come behind her and say against her ear as I wrap my hands around her

"What's wrong"

She stops the water and looks at me through the reflection in the mirror, she pushes me off and walks out, I say

"Nat come on talk to me"

She heads over to the kitchen and says

"You should try and eat"

I open my arms but she refuses the hug, I say

"Nat what's wrong"

She says


I sigh and cross my arms, I repeat

"What's... wrong"

She yells


I looked at her softly and went to cup her face, she slaps my hands away, I say


She yells back


I could see she started to tear up slowly, she never does so I know this is bad, I run over to her and squeeze her in a tight hug, she screams and pushes but I keep holding her tighter, she slowly starts to cry more and more and give out on fighting, she gives up and wraps her arms around me tight, she sobs into my shoulder, I rub her back and try my best to comfort her, she slows the crying down and sniffles all her snot up, I grab a tissue and hand it to her, she smiles and says

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