Chapter 26

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Riley : Maya bay window

Maya : already here pops her head in the window

Riley :  Lucas never showed

Maya : well Riley just because you leave people a note doesn't mean there gonna do what the note says

Riley : well it should

Maya : you ok 

Riley : yeah I'll keep trying 

Topanga : Riley mails here you got to letter from NYU 

Riley : yay tears it open

Topanga : so did you get in 

Riley : yes I got in 

Maya : nice job Riley

Riley : have you got your letter from NYU yet 

Maya : no 

Riley : you should go home maybe it's in the mailbox

Maya : yeah I'll go check

Riley: I just know you got in anyway but the soonerer we find out for sure the sooner we plan on how were gonna decorate our dorm 

Maya : Riley I thought you were living at home during college 

Riley : oh yeah oh well I'll redecorate my bedroom then 

 Maya : ok then 

Riley: bye 

Maya : bye 

At Maya's house 

Lucas and Maya text 

Maya : hey country mouse 

Lucas : hey city mouse what's up

Maya : well Riley got into NYU and she thinks I'm going

Lucas : you didn't put in at  NYU did you not that I'm saying you can't I would never do that

Maya : of course not , were going to Texas State together

Lucas : that's my blonde beauty

Maya : Riley just doesn't know that 

Lucas : I know I guess we'll have to tell her soon 

Maya : agreed soon but not right now

Lucas : you ready to our Valentine's dinner tomorrow night

Maya : yep where are you taking me 

Lucas : it's a surprise

Maya : aw ok

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