Chapter 30

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Maya : I got the snacks 

Riley : thanks , good thing snacks are free for seniors because otherwise there would be expensive 

Maya : uh why does your shirt have Lucas's face on it 

Riley : because I want him to win duh 

Maya : you do realize he's not the only one on the team  right

Riley : of course I know that 

Maya : oh ok well I'm gonna go to the bathroom before the game starts 

Riley : I'll go with you

Maya : no I can go by myself 

Riley : oh ok 

Maya : walks in the gym to find Lucas 

Lucas : Maya over here 

Maya : oh hey you ready for the game 

Lucas : yeah almost I just need one more thing 

Maya : your good luck kiss

Lucas : yep , leans in and kisses Maya 

Maya : kisses back 

Lucas : that was wow I'm definitely ready for the game now 

Maya : wow is right but   I better  head back to the bleachers before the game starts

Lucas : yeah I better head to the field 

Riley : look there's Lucas , Go Lucas I love you 

Maya : Riley would you sit-down and shut up your embarrassing your self 

Billy : hey Lucas looks like you girl is cheering you on 

Lucas : who Riley were not together she's just obsessed with me 

Billy : well that's annoying 

Lucas : your telling me 

Coach : Friar your up to bat 

Lucas : ok coach 

Coach : go get them 

Lucas : hits a home run 

Crowd : cheers 

Billy : hits the ball running to first base

All the over players take there  turn at bat 

Coach : Friar your turn again 

Pitcher : frows the ball so its smacks Lucas in the face 

Coach : blows the whistle , Tanner you did that on purpose your benched  for the rest of the season

Maya : Lucas ! 

Riley : where are you going Maya 

Maya : I'm going to check on our friend 

Riley : I'm sure he'll be fine 

Maya : I'm going down there anyway 

Lucas : Maya

Maya : yeah Lucas I'm here , oh gosh your bleeding 

Lucas : my head hurts 

Maya : well I guess so a guy threw a baseball at it I'll go  get a ice pack for you 

Lucas : ok I'll go get one 

Coach : Friar pick someone to take your place so we can finish the game 

Lucas : put Maya in 

Coach : she's not even on the team 

Lucas  : so I said put Maya in 

Coach : ok kid if you're sure 

Lucas : yes she's just as good if not better then any of the guys out there

Maya : what 

Lucas : you help me practice all the time you can do it I know you can 

Maya : well ok I'll do it 

Coach : ok go get a uniform on 

Maya : gets a uniform on and steps up to bat 

Riley : look guys what is Maya doing at bat 

Smakle : she must be taking Lucas's place 

Farkle : yep 

Pitcher  : ha they put a girl in this is gonna be like taking candy from a baby , throws the ball 

Maya : hits a home run and runs all the bases 

Anoccer : Abigail Adams high wins 

Maya and her friends go check on Lucas 

Lucas : hey how'd it go 

Maya : I got a home run and won the game for us  

Lucas : see I told you could do it 

Maya : I know and you were right 

Riley : are you feeling better

Lucas : yeah the ice pack helped 

Riley : that's good , leans in 

Lucas : Backs Away No Riley 

 Riley : what you don't want me to kiss you

Lucas :  No Riley I don't want you to kiss me I don't like you like that 

Coach : come on Friar time to celebrate our win with some pizza 

Lucas : ok coming , come on Maya your coming too 

Riley : can I come

Lucas  : no it's just for the team 

Riley : than why does Maya get to go she's not on the team 

Lucas : because she won the game for us she hit the home run that won the game 

Riley : oh  

Lucas and Maya : leave to go to the pizza parlor with the rest of the team 

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