Ch. 5 - Dimple

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AS THE STANDS STARTED to fill up with people, I looked for one person

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AS THE STANDS STARTED to fill up with people, I looked for one person. I don't even know why I'm looking for her, but I can't help it.

Something is drawing me to her.

"Mason! Eyes here!" Coach barked at me, making me snap my eyes back at him.

He went over plays with us, and after thirty minutes, he let us go back into the locker rooms. I sat on the bench, and the rest of the team were talking among themselves.

"Campbell and the girls have arrived," Nick informed me as he brushed back with his with a comb. "I saw you looking earlier."

I nodded, but I kept quiet.

"Alright boys, let's win this game!" Coach exclaimed a few minutes later.

I put on my helmet, and we followed Coach out of the locker room. Music was playing, but it stopped as we walked behind our banner.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the last home game of the Wolves. Tonight, the Wolves play the Tigers. So, welcome to the field, the Tigers!" The person said through the speakers.

People cheered, and the announcer yelled, "Now, welcome to the field, the Wolves!"

We ran through the banner, and I looked up at the stands to find Campbell. I found her at top, and she was cheering. She looked beautiful, and I smiled.

We ran over to the sidelines, and Coach sent out players for the first play.

"Elliot! Brent! Go!" Coach yelled, hitting his clipboard.

Elliot and I ran to the field, and we got into our positions. The refree stood in the middle of us and the other team.

When his blew his whistle, I thought to myself.

Please let us win this game.


We won the game.

There was a couple of fumbles and misses, but we came through and scored the last point before the buzzer went off.

I dried my hair off with a towel as I opened my locker to get my clothes out.

"Good work, Brent," one of the guys said as they walked past me.

"Thanks, you too," I replied, grabbing my clothes.

I walked into the restrooms, and I walked into a stall, closing the door behind me. I threw my clothes on, and I opened the stall. I threw my towels in the hamper before leaving.

I walked back to my locker, and I grabbed my letterman jacket. As I put it on, Elliot and Nick made their way over to me.

"So what are you doing tonight?" Elliot asked me, throwing his gym bag across his chest.

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