Ch. 7 - Suspicions

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"DO YOU THINK McDreamy or McSteamy is better?" Nick asked me as we, including Vanessa, walked into the toy store

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"DO YOU THINK McDreamy or McSteamy is better?" Nick asked me as we, including Vanessa, walked into the toy store.

Vanessa had a baby doll, and she slept with it every night. But she forgot it outside yesterday, and it was tore up by the neighbor's stupid dog. So now I have to replace it before she goes to our grandmother's house at twelve o'clock or else it's going to be bad.

"I like them both," I replied as I looked for the baby dolls.

Yes we watch Grey's Anatomy.

Sue us.

It all started because Nichole wanted to watch the new episode of the week. We were over at her house because we had a English project.

Thanks to her, we are currently on season eight.

"I like McSteamy more. He's funny," Nick told me as he picked up a toy dog.

It started barking and singing. Nick quickly put it back down which made Vanessa laugh.

"You're funny, Nicky," Vanessa replied with a shake of her head.

"What is it with you Masons calling me Nicky?" Nick asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"We think it's cute, don't we, Vanessa?" I asked, looking down at my little sister.

"Sure do," she replied instantly.

"Let's find this baby doll," Nick said, changing the subject.

We all started looking around for the baby doll. After twenty minutes of looking for it, I saw it sitting on low shelf.

"There!" I exclaimed, pointing to where it's at.

Vanessa smiled before running over to get it. As soon as her hands touched the box, another set of hands grabbed it from her reach.

"Hey!" Vanessa protested with a pout.

A brown haired lady stood before Vanessa. Her hazel eyes narrowed at us.

Yep definitely a Karen.

She even has the hair cut.

"Ma'am, we really need that baby doll," I begged, kindly. "You see, this little girl right here," I gestured to Vanessa who was putting on puppy eyes and a pout,"Forgot hers outside and the neighbor's dog basically killed it."

"And I care why?" The lady asked, placing a hand on her hip.

I clenched my jaw before saying,"Because this is the last one in the store, and we really need it."

"Well, I put my hands on it first," Karen said, battling her fake eyelashes.

"No, you didn't. Vanessa had her hands on it first. You snatched away from her, bully," Nick argued, trying to use kid friendly terms.

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