chapter 3

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After Zevon had left Jay, he went to search for Lonnie because she seemed interesting to him and he was curious to why Jay fell for her. He also noticed when she tried advancing to him in the quad. He knew that she was definitely not an average princess waiting for her prince.

He saw her with her blue eyed friend and Carlos. But then Carlos walked away with Jane leaving Lonnie alone.

She sat on the grass and leaned towards a tree. Zevon went and stood in front of her staring at her.

"Can I help you with something?" Lonnie said trying her best not to sound annoyed (which she miserably failed at) he had only been there for about an hour and she already hated his guts not just because he made a bad first impression but something in her just didn't agree with him.

Zevon gave a small shrug. "I don't know can you?"

Lonnie rolled her eyes and stood up to leave.

"Hey, hey I think we got off on the wrong foot earlier am I right?" Zevon said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

Lonnie brushed it away. "Don't touch me." She said angrily.

"No need to freak out." Zevon said holding up his hands in defense.

Lonnie gave an annoyed sigh. "I'm not freaking out I just didn't say that you could touch me okay."

"Okay sorry I was just wondering if you could show me my dorm." Zevon said.

"I thought Jay was going to show you." Lonnie said.

"He was but not anymore." Zevon said.

"And why is that?" Lonnie asked.

"Well it's not in my place to tell you princess." Zevon said.

Lonnie's stomach flipped (not in a good way) at the nickname. "I'm not a princess." She said firmly.

"Really!?" Zevon said genuinely surprised because he thought Jay would go for a princess but then it made sense the way Lonnie dressed and from what he's noticed about her attitude it was obvious that she wasn't a princess.

"Yes so please don't call me that again." Lonnie said.

"Okay but can you show me my dorm please?" Zevon asked in the most polite way he could.

"Okay." Lonnie said after all it was part of her job as a member of the student council and to give Ben her support.

They walked in uncomfortable silence till they reached his dorm.

"There it is." Lonnie said.

"Thank you. So I can ask you if I need anything right?" Zevon asked.

"I think the VKs would handling you better." Lonnie said before walking away.

"This chick is interesting." Zevon said as he lips twitched up in a sly grin.
Lonnie was in her dorm room reading a novel cause Jane was still with Carlos.

Jane then burst in through the door grinning like an idiot and from the look in her eyes Lonnie could tell that, it had to do with Carlos.

"Okay what happened?" Lonnie asked.

"Carlos can be so cheesy but I love it." Jane said.

"What did he do?" Lonnie asked.

"The sleepover he asked me to be his plus one but he did it like he was proposing to me." Jane said blushing hard.

"Sleepover? What sleepover." Lonnie asked.

"The one Ben is having in honor of the new VKs." Jane said.

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