chapter 13

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Sorry for the long wait. I was kinda wanting to perfect the chapter. Anywho here's the next chapter.

The ride in the limo was a painfully silent one. Evie was driving while Jay was in the passenger sit besides her. His fist balled so hard that his knuckles turned white and you'd think they'll burst out any minute.

Jane and Carlos were at the back equally nervous about the whole situation.

After what seemed like forever, the limo came to a stop.

"I think this is it." Evie said.

"It's definitely it." Carlos said.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go." Jay said.

"Jay wait." Jane said before Jay could move any further.

"What's wrong?" Evie asked.

"See those huge pretty flowers at the entrance? They're death lilies." Jane said

"Why are they called death lilies?" Jay asked

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"Why are they called death lilies?" Jay asked.

"Because they'd eat anything that isn't a flower." Carlos said surprising everyone.

"How did you know that?" Jane asked surprised and impressed.

"I don't know. It just came to me." Carlos said.

"Ok so how are we going to get through?" Jay asked.

"Disguise ourselves as flowers?" Evie asked.

"Exactly." Carlos and Jane said at the same time.

"Okay, let's get some flowers from.......that bush over there." Jay said spotting a flower bush

After taking enough, with the help of Evie they were able to put it together and use it like an umbrella to get past the flowers.

It's a good thing you came with us Jane." Evie said before taking off the flower umbrella and taking in the sight of the enchanted forest.

"It's beautiful." Evie said in awe.

"Agreed." Jane said while Carlos and Jay nodded their head in agreement.

" Jane said while Carlos and Jay nodded their head in agreement

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