chapter 8

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Warning: mature content. Honestly I think this chapter and beyond all have mature content

After Lonnie had beaten Zevon at sword fighting, Zevon was intrigued and started stalking (more like shadowing) her.

He found out more things about her. Things he wasn't sure anyone else would know. He found out more interesting things about her that attracted him.

As the week went on, Lonnie became uneasy and on edge. She could tell that someone was trailing her. Her instincts picked it up. But whenever she looked, she didn't see anyone.

Also for some reason, Zevon had been trying to get her attention.

She thought she was just being paranoid, she always walked with friends not that she was necessarily scared just to feel more comfortable.

Right now (Friday) she was working out in the gym. A way for her to relax.

Jane was on one of her many dates with Carlos, Jay was working on his college processes.

Did I forget to mention? They are seniors. Mal and Evie were doing the same. Riley, Jordan, Audrey seemed like they were in a totally different universe. She hadn't seen them a lot lately. Ben was busy with king stuff so that left Lonnie.

Lonnie was currently on a yoga mat doing some reverse crunches. After 20 reverse crunches, she got to drink her bottle of water. She was hot and sweaty but at the same time she was relieved. But that was short lived.

Cause she could tell someone was approaching her and as soon as the person placed their hand on her shoulder, without thinking, she spun around and tried to punch the person in the face.

The person easily caught her fist before it could make contact with his face. "Hey, cool it would you?"

"Jay! You scared me. Are you done with--" she didn't get to finish her statement when he kissed her.

But something was way off with the kiss and Lonnie knew it. Not to mention he was touching her on some places she'd rather he didn't.

That couldn't be right. Jay doesn't usually just randomly show up and kiss her and touched her certain places.

Lonnie pushed him off her.

"Oh wow. I didn't think that you would be able to tell the difference." 'Jay' said before transforming into Zevon.

"Zevon." Lonnie spat through gritted teeth. Now she was really pissed.

She walked up to him and almost at the speed of light, her palm made contact with his cheek as she gave him a really hard slap.

"Get out! Get out now!" Lonnie demanded.

Zevon touched the cheek where she slapped and for some reason smiled.

"Real soon Li Lonnie. One way or another you'll be mine." Zevon told her straight up before exiting the gym.

Lonnie was shocked by his boldness. First he kissed her against her will and now that.

Lonnie was feeling a whole lot of emotions at the time. Scared, humiliated, disgusted, surprised, but above all pissed off.

She decided to skip the rest of her work out routine and get to her room.

As soon as she got to her room, she plopped on her bed. She shakily released a breath.

She really needed someone to talk to and at times like this one, Jane was usually the best option.

But Jane was still on her date with Carlos. It was moments like this that made Lonnie actually want to chop off Carlos' head.

He is way too clingy and the problem was none of them knew.

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