chapter 18

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*me casually writing the next chapter like I haven't been inactive in the last few months*

Just kidding. Omg I'm awfully sorry I practically abandoned this story. Sorry for the inactivity.
There's going to be a two months time skip because I'm lazy to write everything that happened in between so I'll just wrap it up.

After Fairy godmother was informed about the kidnapping of Lonnie,(because they had to explain why zevon was gone and Bridgette was there) she decided they put a hold on the VK program. But after Uma consistently protesting the decision, they agreed to bring over little kids who are just up to the age of 12 and the VKs be in charge of it.

Jay felt bad since he promised Ginny and Haylee that he would get them to Auradon

With the help of everyone who knew, Lonnie was doing fine. She still suffered PTSD and was jumpy. Since no one else knew what happened, they treated her the same way which was a good thing because then she wasn't constantly reminded what she went through, but was also bad.

Poor Aziz had his nose broken when he snuck up on Lonnie like he usually did and she unconsciously punched him square in the nose.

That's when they decided that Lonnie needed professional help. So she had therapy sessions funded by Ben of course.

She isn't completely healed but she was alright.

The semester was coming to an end and everyone was busy with their college application and preparation.

In tourney practice.........
They had been practicing for almost an hour and Jay was exhausted. Usually tourney cleared his head and he felt better but it was a different story this time.

He kept missing the shots and every little thing pissed him off.

He missed another goal and yelled and tossed his stick.

"Jay!" Coach Jenkins said in a warning tone.

Jay rolled his eyes and kept playing way more aggressive than he had ever played before. He was really mad.

"Number eight, get over here now." The coach commanded.

"What's wrong, you are more out of control than you were when you first came. You can talk to me you know. Is it school? Finals coming up?" Coach Jenkins asked softly.

"I'm fine! Can I just get back to practice?" Jay snapped.

"Oh no you don't. You are benched till further notice." Coach said.

"Whatever." Jay grumbled. "I don't need you or this stupid sport." Jay said as he walked back towards the dorm.

Carlos watched his best friend angrily walking back to the dorm and decided it was time to finally ask what was up even if it would earn him a punch, he was willing to risk it.

Jay got back to his room and showered. After showering, he attempted doing the mountains of homework he had been ignoring.

Carlos walked into the room. "Dude what is up with you?"

"Can't talk now. Can't you see I'm busy?" Jay asked not looking up from his history textbook.

"The textbook is even facing the right way. I'm impressed." Carlos said.

"Yeah well we have finals coming up." Jay said matter of factly.

"Yeah but not for a few weeks." Carlos said

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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