Chapter Five

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The three continued to watch the scenery until the train came to a stop at the next station. They gathered the bags they brought and headed off the train.

It had been some time since Jake had been out of the city limits. He forgot how open and vast the outside was. Massive wind turbines gathered energy in the distance. Immediately surrounding the station, there were fields of crops and fields of flowers. Jake knew that the flowers attracted bees. He could identify different kinds of clover as well, which gave the soil nutrients. He was sure there had to be a honey farm not far.

"This area is gorgeous," Solana stated. "A different kind of wonder than your city."

Both Jake and Evan nodded. "As our city tries its best to use architecture to make a place where we all can live and thrive, but also not harm where we stay," Jake explained.

"It'll only get better and better when our generation can apply new knowledges to the current ways," Evan added.

Jake couldn't wait until he was able to get his own lab or study area and continue research and study on his plants. He wondered if someone like Solana might be something that could benefit the world. His mind then began to wonder if other Children of the Sun might already be among them, advancing studies, progressing energy, and more.

"So where to now?" Solana asked.

Jake and Evan referred back to their notes, now on Evan's solar-powered phone. "Looks like it was the farm just over the hill there."

Jake looked to the hill in the distance. There was a sign that matched the farm name on the records. Digby's Farm

The three walked down the dirt path near the solar train's track. Solana observed everything closely as they walked. She smells the flowers, lightly brushed some of the crops, and watched the bees and butterflies that hovered around. 

"Are you enjoying it out here?" Jake asked.

Solana nodded. "Though the air feels similar to your city, it is a different feeling being in a more open area. This feels more familiar to me."

"It is hard to imagine a place where you might have come from, if you came from what we know as our Sun."

"I wish I could show you. Perhaps someday I can. I don't know how yet, but we shall see."

"I would love to see where you are from. Maybe when we find more of your people, we can get answers."

She agreed with him. Solana began to hum a tune as she started to walk ahead of the other two.

"Do you think if this is a landing area of another Child of the Sun, that they might still be around?" Evan asked Jake.

Jake pondered that for a second. He hoped there would be a sign of another one hanging around or getting care from the local farmers. He shrugged. "I do hope they'll have something to tell us."

They reached the entrance over the hill. The entrance was designated with a gate made of reclaimed wood. Another sign made of metal was mounted on the wood. Etched in the metal were the words Digby's Farm.

The path's dirt was packed tightly, showing evidence of frequent travel. With how quiet it was, Jake was surprised. There was no sign of other people coming or going.

Digby's Farm seemed to have a bit of everything. Near the entrance, the fence was lined with trees that produced a variety of nuts. Passed the trees, there were several plots of legume plants. After that, the three began to walk by many food crops. Some were in domes and greenhouses. Jake could tell they were probably ones that were out of season and needed a temperature control and regulated water distribution.

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