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Shinoa:What do you mean demon form?
Mira: Well ,for example  Yuu has a demon and seraph form ,so do I.
Yuu: Cool.
Kimizuki:It's not cool idiot.
Yuu: Hey.
Mira: Now ,Shinoa may I talk to my husband?
Shinoa:How exactly are you gonna do that?
Mira: Like this . I said snapping my fingers, turning in my demon form.

 I said snapping my fingers, turning in my demon form

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All: Wow.
Mira: Been awhile since I've been in this form. Feels great.
Shinoa:Can we touch your wings??
Mira:Sure but be careful please.
And with that they started touching my wings. It felt nice until someone ripped a feather from my wings.
Me :Ouch, I told you to be careful.
Ashura: Sorry nee-san, but I needed to have one of these . He said pointing to the feather in his hand.
Me: You little wimp.
Mika:Mira you ok??
Me:I'm fine ,but my wings are oversensitive, so that did hurt a little bit.
Shinoa:They're so soft, and beautiful.
Me:Thanks I guess.
Yuu:You said you wanted to talk to your husband?
Me: Ah yes ,I almost forgot, Shinoa please summon your demon.
Shinoa:Sure ,Shi-chan.
And with those words a black creature appeared before her.
Me:Geez you look different.
As I walk towards him,raising my hand so I could pet him.
He put his head in my hand.
Me:You don't remember me ,do you??
As a few years run down my face.
Lizzie:Mom ,your crying.
Me:I am ,aren't I?
Mika:You ok??
Me:Perfect. Shinoa my real husband is locked somewhere isn't he???
Shinoa:You do know everything don't you, Hime-sama.
My eyes widen at the name she called me,more tears start to run down and I start sobbing, falling to the ground.
Mika:Mira !! He shouts, running towards me.
I look at the sky remembering that only one person called me "Hime-sama "with that tone ,and that was my husband, Shimaka Doji.

To be continued.......

And I'm back with another chapter for you guys,hope you enjoy it,bye.

Mira,the first vampire progenitorWhere stories live. Discover now