I fall for him??(part 1)

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Pov. Mira
Who is he,he is so cute.what am i thinking i can't fall for him,or can i?,yes i can.
-Mika:She is the first progenitor,wow she's so beautiful,,
I fell my cheks burning.
-Me:Krul,so you mind if Mika comes with me for a bit?,,
-Krul:What,no i don't mind at all.,,
-Kira:Ok let's go my Queen.,,
One hour later.
I'm hungry,right now i am walking on the coridors to find o human child to drink from.Wait who's that?,it's Mika,what is he doing here?.
-Mika:Mira,youre not sleeping?,,
-Me:I'm a vampire ,i don't sleep,but the question is what are you doing here?,,
-Mika:I'm hungry,,
I lift my right arm an cut it for him to drink.He looks at me and then drinks my blood.
-Me:Ahhh,Mika i want you.,,
-Mika:I want you ,seriosly ,,
(A/N:So this is it sorry for bad grammar,bye-bye)

Mira,the first vampire progenitorWhere stories live. Discover now