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Mikaela:How did you know i was there??,
Me:Well ,i didn't get the titlle ''The first progenitor'' for nothing.
Krul:Mika,don't be so rude to her.
Me: It's fine Krul ,I don't mind it.
Kira:My Queen you need to see this.
Me:What is it Kira???.
Kira:My Queen,Yuuichiro is trying to fight Ferrid.
Me:Tha's no good at all,well Mika go save your family,I supposse.
Mika:Thank you ,my Queen.
Me:Cell me Mirabella,abd now go save yuu-chan.
Mika:Thank you ,Mirabella. And with that ,he was gone.
Me:Kira,prepare a hellicopter, i need to see what happens.
Kira:Yes,your magesty.

After Kira prepared the hellicopter(I don't think i'm spelling this ok,but yeah let's continue)
My thouts:I need to stop them or this will not end good.I thout as I jumped out of the hellicopter.
Me:Ferrid,stop this nonses,right now or do you preffer punishiment???.
After i said that,he stopped .
Me:Yuuichiro,you will stop or i will.
Yuu:Sinners must die.
Me:So a seraph of the end,huh pathetic,you seraph ,i possed the zero trumpeth,the Queen of the night,you will obbey me.
Yuu:My Queen.
Ne:Go back to your prison,and i will call you if i need you.
And with that yuu collapsed.
Guren:Just who the hell are you??.
Me:I'm the first progenitor,Mirabella Tempest,and i possed the zero seraph of the end,i am the Queen of all,and nothing nor someone can stop me.And i started to laugh like the sadist i really am.

To be continued......

(Author-chan is back with a new chapter,hope you'll like it,and sorry for my bad grammar,but this is it,bye-bye,Author-chan out) Ps: 285 words

Mira,the first vampire progenitorWhere stories live. Discover now