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(Thank you guys for reading this book, it makes me so happy that it reached 5000 views, I've nerver expected to have such a number of views on a book made out of pure boredness, I've always liked ONS , but there aren't so many oc or fanfictions about it, that's the reason for this book. I thank you for following me and for readings this book, and the other ones, for this speacial ocassion I've written a chapter about Mira's birthday, since 3 weeks ago it was also my birthday and I'm now legally an adult, without further ado let's start this chapter)


The city beneath me sparkled with the glow of countless lights as I returned to our sanctuary, the weight of the night momentarily lifted. It was an extraordinary night, one that held significance beyond the battles and shadows—an occasion that marked the passing of another year in my immortal existence.

As I entered the building, the atmosphere shifted, and the hushed whispers of preparation transformed into the vibrant chatter of friends and family gathered for the festivities. Elizabeth, my daughter, had orchestrated an extravagant celebration, turning our home into a haven of celestial splendor.

"Mother, you look stunning," Elizabeth exclaimed as I entered the main hall, adorned in a crimson gown that reflected the regality I often sought to embody.

"Thank you, Elizabeth. The decorations are exquisite," I replied, my gaze sweeping across the intricately adorned hall.

The room was alive with the enchanting aroma of delicacies prepared for the occasion. A long table showcased an array of delectable treats, a testament to the effort Elizabeth had put into ensuring every detail was perfect.

As I took my seat, the applause and cheers filled the air, and I found myself at the center of the festivities. Elizabeth, with eyes sparkling, guided me to the seat of honor.

"Happy birthday, Mother," Elizabeth said, presenting a carefully wrapped gift—a pendant adorned with a radiant sapphire, a symbol of strength and wisdom.

The room fell silent as I unwrapped the gift, revealing the intricate craftsmanship. "This is beautiful, Elizabeth," I said, moved by the thoughtful gesture.

"With this, you'll carry our love and appreciation with you always," Elizabeth explained, her voice filled with sincerity.

Standing with the pendant in hand, I raised a toast, expressing gratitude for the love and camaraderie that filled the room. The warmth of family and friends surrounded me as we shared stories and laughter, momentarily transcending the challenges of our supernatural existence.

"I couldn't have asked for a better family," I admitted, my eyes scanning the room. "Thank you all for making this night truly magical."

The night continued with a dazzling display of performances, each act a tribute to my journey and leadership. Elizabeth, Noir, and others had rehearsed tirelessly to make this night unforgettable.

As the clock struck midnight, I cut into a magnificent cake resembling a twilight sky adorned with stars. The room glowed with joy, and I couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected bonds formed and the strength discovered within the folds of my extended family.

In a moment of solitude, I marveled at the love that surrounded me. The echoes of laughter and music lingered in the air—a harmonious reminder that, even in the midst of shadows, the light of celebration could bring warmth and unity to our nocturnal existence.

Among the guests were Shinoa Squad and Mika, their presence adding an extra layer of joy to the celebration. Their laughter blended seamlessly with the music, and the camaraderie shared between us deepened as we celebrated this night of celestial splendor together. Friends and family, both old and new, had gathered to share in the magic of the moment, creating memories that would endure in the tapestry of our immortal lives.

Mira,the first vampire progenitorWhere stories live. Discover now