Chapter 2

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"Ok" Mitsuki said as Chocho grabbed his hand excitedly
"Today we have a new flavor! Matcha green tea would you like to try it?" The employee said

"Yes please!" Chocho said then looked at Mitsuki who was standing beside her still holding her hand "and 1 vanilla"

Chocho thanked the employee and gave Mitsuki his ice cream

"Let's eat it outside" Chocho said then sat under a table with a red umbrella on it

Chocho then licked her ice cream cone while Mitsuki just watched her as his ice cream melted in his hand

"What's wrong don't like the flavor?" Chocho said and looked at him "Here try mine" Chocho then held out her cone and Mitsuki looked at it

Mitsuki then licked it then licked it again and again and again until it was half gone.

Chocho giggled

Mitsuki then looked at Chochos ice cream

"Sorry Chocho I have seemed to eat most of your ice cream" Mitsuki said then looked at her

"It's ok now keep eating!" Chocho said while still holding it out for him "He's a really cute eater" She thought.

Mitsuki kept eating until Chocho's Ice cream was gone and his was just a sticky mess all over his hands.

Chocho then took her hand and grabbed a napkin to wipe Mitsuki's face

Mitsuki just leaned foward

"Your quite the messy eater" Chocho said as she wiped Mitsuki's mouth

Mitsuki just smiled

"Now where do you want to go Mitsuki" Chocho said as they walked back into the mall

"I do not know I have not been to the mall miss Akimichi San" Mitsuki said as he cleaned up his melted ice cream

"Ok then let's go try on some clothes! " Chocho said then ran to the clothing section

Chocho grabbed a white v neck a dark blue jacket with a sea blue stripe across it and pants to match

"Mitsuki put these on! " Chocho said then handed him the clothes and pointed to the changing room

Mitsuki hesitantly put them on and came out looking like this

Mitsuki hesitantly put them on and came out looking like this

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"Ahh you look so cute Mitsuki! " Chocho said and clapped

"Thank you Chocho but I have lots of clothes at home" Mitsuki said

"But you wear that kimono every day" Chocho said

"I do not care much about my looks ChoCho" Mitsuki said but he really did like the clothes

"Well you should!" Chocho said then went into the changing room and came out looking like this

"Well you should!" Chocho said then went into the changing room and came out looking like this

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Mitsuki stared

"Is it too bold?" Chocho asked but no response from Mitsuki

Mitsuki was mesmerized by Chocho's beauty her flowing Auburn hair her glowing dress that compliments her skin and her golden ey-

"Mitsuki?" Chocho said interrupting Mitsuki's thoughts

"Am I that pretty? " Chocho said and flipped her hair

"It is time for a doctor Chocho" Mitsuki said and smiled widely (with no teeth)

"Chocho then payed for the clothing then looked out the window

" We are closing in 5 minutes everyone please make your way to the exits" The announcement says

" IT'S DaRk ALREADY!" Chocho shouted then looked at her phone that says 9pm then she puts it back in her pocket "and we didn't even get your pet a bed... " Chocho says sadly

"Sorry Mitsuki" Chocho says and looks down

"Chocho... " Mitsuki puts his finger under Chochos chin while smiling

"I had a very good time with you today we can do it tommorow" Mitsuki says knowing Chocho will end up forgetting about the pet bed. knowing they'll end up spending more time together then they intended.

Mitsuki then wraps both his arms around her waist

Chocho looks up and smiles widely "Well next time it'll be your favor!" Chocho says laughs

Mitsuki's heart skipped a beat as he smiled at a laughing Chocho

Mitsuki then unwrapped his arms and smiled

Chocho then waved

"Bye bye stalker! " Chocho said then got lost in the crowd that was rushing to get out of the mall

Mitsuki never felt this way before he felt like his own heart was going to jump out of his chest and everytime he's around Chocho he can't control his emotions like he can with everyone else.

"What's this feeling" Mitsuki said as he put his hand on his heart
Mitsuki sat on the park bench for 30 minutes until he remembered something


"Boruto why are those 2 kids sucking each other's faces" Mitsuki asked and tilted his head

The 2 were at the burger place sitting at a booth 

Boruto spit out his orange soda and coughed

"What!?! " Boruto choked

Boruto then turned his head to 2 random kids

"Oh their in love... ask Chocho she's a romance expert" Boruto said then turned back to his orange soda and stirred it with his straw

"Ok" Mitsuki said but he never went

                                   ~Flashback end~

"Chocho... " Mitsuki thought

It started raining hard 15 minutes ago and Mitsuki was soaked but Mitsuki didn't care.

He got up and ran to Chocho's house
He hopped up a tree that was right by Chocho's window and looked into the window.

Chocho was up reading a teen magazine in her bed with her hair down

Mitsuki knocked on her window

Chocho looked around her room then at her window then she went up to it and opened her window

"Mitsuki?" Chocho said and looked at Mitsuki

"Chocho I have a question" Mitsuki said then sneezed

"Come in" Chocho said then walked away from her window

Mitsuki came in and walked towards Chocho

Chocho threw a towel at Mitsukis face and Mitsuki rubbed it back and and forth on his face.

"Mitsuki! Not like that! " Chocho shouted then grabbed the towel away from him

"Like this... " Chocho said as she started to dry him off properly "You have to do it properly or you'll get a cold" Chocho said and dried his hair.

Mitsuki sneezed again and Chocho sighed

"Chocho what is love? " Mitsuki asked and looked at Chocho

"Ohh! You came to the right place!" Chocho said and grabbed a romance novel from her bookshelf.

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