Slip Up (Jungkook)

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You See...Jungkook Has A So Called 'Problem' But more of a secret. Jungkook Is A Little In Fact. He Wanted to keep that secret for however long he can, but that all changed when they found out.


'Jungkook-ah!' Jin called out for Jungkook

'Breakfast is ready' Jin Added.

'Ok Coming Hyung!' Jungkook said.

Jungkook ran down the stairs and saw the other members eating the breakfast their hyung had made. Bacon, Eggs and Pancakes. 'Yummy' Jungkook thought and quickly ate breakfast because they had practice in 30 minutes.


"Yah! Jungkook! You Literally just had this move yesterday! What Happened?!' Hoseok Yelled Clearly Pissed off.

'I-I'm Sorry Hyung!' Jungkook said sadly looking down.

'Look at your HYUNG When You SPEAK!' Hoseok Yelled once again. This Wasn't Often when Hoseok Got Pissed and just started yelling not caring about the others feelings.

'kookie sowwy, h-hyung!' Jungkook said letting tears roll down his face. Not caring what they thought. Soon after he ran out the practice room into a stall in the bathroom, crying. All He Could think is that they hate him. But That Wasn't true. Not At All.

- Back at the practice room -


Hoseok Realized he messed up. Big time.

'I-I'm Sorry Taehyung, i don't know why i d-did that' Hoseok said.

'You Shouldn't be saying sorry to us.' Namjoon Added

'right. Jungkook-ah' Hoseok Said Running out and trying to find him.

'I'll help Hoseok.' Jin Said Running after Hoseok.


'JUNGKOOK!' Jin Yelled Trying to find him then realized they haven't checked the bathroom yet.

'Hoseok! The Bathroom we haven't checked there!' Jin Said Running to the bathroom.

Once they entered They Heard Sniffles. Light, Cute Sniffles.

Hoseok Opens the door to all of them except the last stall. He Knocked on it and saw feet. Jungkook's shoes to be exact.

'Jungkook-ah? I'm So So Sorry! I Shouldn't have done that, please forgive me!' Hoseok Said, Eyes Getting watery.

'Seokie..? seokie-hyung?' Kookie said with a slur.

At That Moment Jin Knew Jungkook Was A Little and took action.

'Hey Bub. Could you unlock the stall? we just want to see you, baby" Jin Said. In A Soothing Voice.

A few moments later they heard jungkook unlock the door.

Jungkook Hugged Jin first then stopped at hoseok.

'seokie...'m sowwy fo no get moves right!' Jungkook Said Hugging hoseok. let's Just Say Hoseok Was Confused. Jin Noticed this and mouthed; 'we'll talk about it later'.


The End.

396 words

A/N: Okay So...this was actually kinda good. ngl. there may or may not be a part two.

(also thanks for reading this shitty book- i know it's bad)

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