Late Night With The Babies (Namjinkook)

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Littles: Joonie, Kookie, Jinnie

Caregivers: Yoongi


Kookie has just woken up to the sound of jinnie crying and Kookie being sensitive to loud noises started to cry too. Joonie woke up after trying to calm them down being the big brother he is. Joonie wanted to wake up their daddies but he couldn't find them...


Joonie said hoping there would be a response, but nothing. Joonie started looking around the house hoping that someone was awak. that's when he saw His Daddy in the kitchen making coffee.


Yoongi turned around upon hearing his name.

'Hey Sweet Pea, why're you up this early, hm?'

Yoongi said before lifting him up and balancing him on his hip.

'Little brothers cry!'

Joonie said pointing to upstairs. Yoongi quickly heard the little ones sobs and ran upstairs.

'Joonie baby, i'm gonna have to put you down. if u want you can go wake up Seokie'

'Seokie!' Joonie said happily running out the room into hoseok's.

Yoongi picked up baby kook and caressed his hair gently.

'dada! jinjin cry!' Kook pointed to jin who had puffy eyes and holding his favorite rj stuffie in his left hand while in his right was his favorite pink and white blankie.

'thank you baby boy for telling me. now do you want some milkies?'


'Ok, but be a good boy and go to Seokie's room with Joonie and cuddle first'


With that Kook ran out of the room with his favorite cat stuffie and his purple paci.

'Hey Sweetie' Yoongi said while caressing jin's hair. he could tell jin was in a younger headspace so he decided to carry him downstairs and make some milk for him.

'Do you want milkies?' Yoongi asked jin knowing he was just going to nod. and he was right. Jin Nodded.

'Okay, But we need to try those tears, don't we?' Jin just giggled in response and making grabby hands towards yoongi.

'haha, okay baby boy. do you want a bath?' Yoongi asked not even giving jin time to answer and just picking him up and taking him to the bathroom.


355 words.

A/N: how do you feel about yoongi being a caregiver? or do u want him to be little?

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