beach! (sope,jinminjoon,taekook)

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Littles: Yoon, Tae, Joon, Jin

Daddies: Seok, Jimin, Kook

Plot: all the caregivers plan to go to the beach with their littles!


Jimin, Kook and Hoseok have planned to go to the beach as a treat for their babies for being good all week.


'Joonie! come on! you need your shorts on!' Jimin yelled while trying to get Joon dressed. Joonie hated clothes. He'd honestly rather be naked. He didn't get why he couldn't just go naked.

Jin was still asleep surprisingly. Guess he was a heavy sleeper. But he never fought with his daddy. He's a very quiet little.


Kook got Tae Ready in under 5 minutes. But he had a rough start at first with him. Kook had to wake him up from his nap to get him dressed. He didn't want to change out of his comfy pj's. So he cried. Cried so much. That's how the other littles got woken up from their naps.


'Yoonie, it's time to get up~' Seok said while shaking his baby up from his nap.

'Does baby not want to go to the beach?'


'mhm! but you have to get up first!'

'oki daddy!' yoonie got up from the bed grabbing his swimming shorts and changing in the bathroom.


(back with jimin and joon)

'babyyy! come here!' jimin said while stopping behind joonie.

'nuh uh!' joonie said and stomped his foot.

'You won't get to see your crab friends then.' jimin said, knowing this will make him get dressed.

'uhh...fine. Joonie get dressed' Joonie said giving up. and going to jimin, grabbing his hand.


A/N: part 2 later!

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