354 5 1


Word Count: 142


Boris just finished a documentary about Russia when something came across his mind.

He looked at his side and lightly nudged his 'sleeping' girlfriend.

"детка, you awake?" he whispered.

"Yeah kinda, what is it?" she said, her voice being raspy as she just woke up

"Why is russia a european country when it takes up about three fourth asia huh?" he asked.

"Well you know it's because........I don't fucking know bor." she said.

"Illuminati aliens?" boris asked.

"Yes boris, illuminati aliens. Now goodnight." she said as she turned her back against him and falling back to sleep.

"Боже мой! Так круто!" he gasped.

The next day, boris did nothing but research about illuminati aliens in russia. Y/n watched him do his 'research' while laughing at his doings.


Боже мой! Так круто!- Oh my god! So cool!

детка- baby

swaggiepaulson speaks!!

found this idea on pinterest!

gonna take a nap now lol bye

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