Chapter 5.4: Operation make happy

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Dear mother and father in another world.

They say in times you seek trouble, trouble will instead find you. 

It could easily be said for what just happened right now.   After ruminating about how I would actually be able to find the prince to see how I can brighten his mood and preforming a 4 seam fastball on Yoru, I suddenly found myself met with none other than the prince himself, who was now looking at me with a lot more skepticism than I would have liked. 

'What are you doing?' Were his words but honestly in this moment all I could think to respond to this with was-

"What are you doing?" An excellently played uno reverse on my part.  Dante squinted his eyes at me before seeming to get in a defensive stance.
"Are you going rat me out?" - ah up to no good it seems.  Given the fact he was meant to be getting ready for the ball and finishing his tutors work-  this seemed to be a classic Dante run away move if I ever saw it.  Though even I knew despite how dazed I was that telling anyone about this would be a bad idea.
"I'm not gonna tell anyone, you can relax here if you want to..." I answered, honestly still trying to process his being here, the winds stirring the tree's around us faintly being the only thing to break the awkward silence between us both in those moments; ruining any of my previous attempts to deleaf the area.

Though it was with some added thought, the prince seemed to lower his defences around me.
"If you try to alert anybody then I'll turn you hair into a jump rope" - duly noted.... I simply nodded in response as it was then that Dante curiously went to look in the direction I was facing.
"What were you doing anyway, I heard you talking to someone.." the prince commented, obviously not feeling one hundred percent sure that we were alone.
"Ah well, it was Yo-" I found myself biting my tongue, sort of hesitating to let slip I had a dog with me on the site grounds. I mean, it wasn't as though Dante was any of the staff like the head maid, actually I didn't really think the stubborn prince would care. But even so I didn't want to take any risks in loosing the pup, especially after I had made such progress with it...
"Yo?" Dante repeated as I broke out in a cold sweat, his piercing curious glare was growing more intense by the second. Uwah, should I tell him? Maybe the prince would like puppies....
"Well it was..." I began whilst looking into the bushes to where the puppy had most likely landed.

I raised my hands slightly before myself awkwardly, striking a pose.
"It was your highness of course!" - I backed out, somehow I felt the prince was a beast even Yoru couldn't handle. Though it wasn't as if this was completely out of nowhere, much rather I did have some plan with this. The prince squinted at me to this statement.
"You was talking to me, even though I had only just got here..." Dante pushed at my logic- yeah I did say something quite impossible right on the spot didn't I? Even so- I raised my hands to my eyes, looking at the prince seriously.
"It was a psychic connection, I have been cleaning leaves so much today that the spirits of wind and leaves have made it so I can share my thoughts to the skies with those around me!" I announced, the prince remaining silent as there blasted another gale of wind, which sent leave spiralling up to the sky.


"I see, I'm gonna go now-"
"NO WAIT! WAIT! I'M SORRY, I LIED! WELL NOT ABOUT THE CLEANING LEAVES PART BUT I WAS JUST MAKING A JOKE, PLEASE DON'T JUST RUN OFF PRETENDING NOTHING HAPPENED YOUR HIGHNESS, MY EGO CAN'T TAKE YOUR LACK OF REACTION-" I wailed after the prince in a stupid fluster, trying to get him to stay after my failed attempt of picking his funny bone.

Somehow it seemed my cries got him to stop, maybe because he didn't have anywhere else to go just yet- in any case, it was that dumb of a joke it seemed to stop the prince from prying into Yoru any further.
"So you were told to clean up leaves and weed the gardens?" Dante summarised after my explanation as I now kneeled on the floor before him like a scolded child sulking. I gave a disheartened nod to this as Dante then shot a fiery look my way.
"Then why didn't you say that to begin with?" He asked as I winced at it myself. I'm sorry, gag comedy isn't your thing, I will remember this well for the future, just let me forget this!!

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Where stories live. Discover now