Part IV: Chapter 23

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September 24, Evening

The Chief's House

Franny was sitting on the couch, fixing her hair without a mirror until Philip reappeared. He walked to her with heavy feet, setting a glass of water in her hands. "I'm so sorry," she repeated for the third time.

"I told you, no need for that."

"I've seen soldiers have episodes of panic but I've never..."

"It's alright, Franny." He set his hand on her knee and motioned to the water. "Take a drink, it'll help." She did as he said, sipping the water and closing her eyes as it soothed her dry throat. His hand was still on her knee and she took note of it before opening her eyes to meet his stormy gaze.

"Are you okay, Franny?"

"I think so," she whispered quietly and placed one hand over his, slow and easy.

"Why did you call? Did someone threaten you again?"

She shook her head, "No, nothing like that I..." She took a deep breath and another sip before she set the glass down on the small table beside the sofa. "I'm not sure if it's anything but I got worried. Ms. Boykins went to the store earlier and she ran into Ms. Ingles. She said she asked a lot of questions about me. I don't even know why I called you I was just scared, all of a sudden."

His brow knitted together and his fingers flexed against her knee before he rolled his hand over slowly and hooked her hand with his, entwining their fingers. "I told you they'd be watching you, as long as you keep your head down, everything will be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Franny, I'm sure. She knows Ms. Boykins is your neighbor and has been like a mother to you for many years now, she's a primary target. You should probably tip her off about that. She shouldn't say anything that might compromise you."

"I rushed here for that?" Franny surprised herself with a laugh.

"What do you mean?"

"I was just...panicked, thinking they were coming for me, it was over, and now I feel...stupid."

"Don't feel stupid, you have a lot of reason to be scared right now."

"Thank you. I know you left work to be here."

He gave a light shrug, "You needed me." He took a deep breath before he added, almost hesitant, "And I got a lot to make up for where you're concerned. I just wanted to keep you out of Raffa's line of fire, without getting closer to you, but somehow I'm here anyways. I pushed and you pushed back. You're a strong woman, Franny, but whenever you need me, I'll be there."

She smiled at him, "Again, thank you..." his eyes burned with the same intensity they always did, but she felt it in her soul. Breaking eye contact, she looked down at their entwined fingers, "What did you tell your officers?"

"Mrs. Amato and her husband needed assistance with the funeral arrangements for the Clarkston's. I'm supposed to go there after work and meet with them about it, so if anyone gets suspicious, all they have to do is ask them and they'll confirm I came to help."

"It's a good cover story."

"You mean lie."

"I'm starting to understand the necessity of some of these lies, though, I didn't even tell Patty about Ms. Ingles or Vincent. That doesn't mean I forgive you for it, but Raffa..." she sighed, "I think I understand now."

She met his eyes again, still flaming with passion in their gray depths. She was going to need another drink of water if he kept staring at her like that, concerned but full of compassion with a touch of heat. There was a hint of a bruise on his chin that hadn't been there until her brother punched him. Without thinking she touched the spot with her free hand, fingers feather light.

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