Part V: Chapter 29

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September 25, Dawn

Rose Residence

Billy took the wheel on the way home, letting her cradle Patty in the front seat while they cried together. At first he'd asked her questions about what Raffa said when she showed him the bodies, then they hadn't said anything at all. She watched what the headlights illuminated before them on an empty roadway. The stripes in the center racing by. She loosed a long breath. She wondered if this was real. Was she really putting Raffa behind her like the stripes passing by the car?

She laid her cheek against Patty's hair, stroking one hand through it as she held her close. She didn't want to let her go for one moment. They were kin now. If Patty had no family left, Franny would be her family, from here on out. She'd find out how to get the paperwork, she'd make it real, and no one would be able to take them away from each other, ever. They would always have each other. She was the bravest person Franny had ever met. She outmatched any soldier, any gangster, and any law enforcement.


She tilted her head back to look up at her.

"You know I could've never done this without you, right?" She said to her, brushing back her dusty blonde hair. "I would've had no hope, nothing. You gave me everything I needed to keep going."

Patty laced their fingers and leaned her head on her shoulder, "I knew you wouldn't let me stay with the bad man."

"Never." She cuddled closer but did a double take out the front windshield just as Billy shifted in the seat.

"Uhh," he began uncertainly and she nodded.

"I see it." She leaned forward and Patty straightened up in her seat. They were on her street now, but there were three cars gathered in front of her house. A fourth car she recognized and pointed, "Bernard is back."

"Who do the other cars belong to?"

She considered the question before she found the gun in her dress pocket and held it out in front of her. Billy's eyes widened but he didn't say anything about the gun. He was following every order she gave now. Patty slid off her lap, staring up at her and Franny met her gaze, "When we get out of the car, I want you to hide on the side of the house. If something bad happens, stay hidden."

"I want to stay in the car."

"No, they'll search here first."

"Could it be Bernard's friends?"

"He said nothing about bringing friends home, and he was meeting two people, not three. That's too many cars."

"Franny," Billy's voice cracked, "if something happens, I want you to know how sorry I am for everything, especially earlier. They were going to kill Mama if I didn't bring you inside."

"I understand, Billy, more than you realize." She'd been more than willing to give herself up for Ms. Boykins.

"I'll never forgive myself, Franny. They approached me days ago, demanded that I keep an eye on you and report your activities. I knew the kind of people Jordy was involved with, but I didn't know how bad it was until then."

"Billy," she set her hand on his, "it's alright. Now, stay behind me." She pushed open the car door and headed for her house, pausing outside and watching to make sure Patty hid herself on the side and out of sight. She clicked back the hammer, prepared for anything as Billy sidled up behind her. She took a deep breath, counted to three, and then the door opened before she could move.


"Franny!" The relief on his face was palpable as he stepped out the door.

She peered past him into the house, "Who is here?"

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