Dream With Open Eyes

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A/N: Hi guys! 🥰 I hope you all enjoy this slightly rambling IronDad fanfic featuring Awesome Mom/Aunt May! Also, please please PLEASE let me know what you think, it honestly does help to motivate me so much and lets me know if you're enjoying what I'm putting out! 💙💜💙💜

This is dedicated to the wonderful and amazing LilacSoulW & Jon_Makesart on Instagram 💖🥰 I hope you guys enjoy and thank you so much for 1) the prompt and 2) just how supportive both of you are of me and my writing, it truly does mean so much!! 💚💚

Disclaimer: I do not own Spider-Man or any related materials.


"Use the wings of the flying Universe, 

Dream with open eyes; See in darkness." ― Dejan Stojanovic


Some people might be inclined to call Tony a helicopter-sort-of-parent.

Honestly, he knows that they're right, but that doesn't mean he's ashamed of it. Far from it. It was another rough night, one where Peter had come home to the tower from patrol, shaken and soaking wet with a 4-inch knife embedded in the soft skin of his torso.

"We were extremely lucky," Dr. Cho had said a few hours later, leading a panic-stricken Tony down the hallway toward where they'd moved Peter. Tony had swallowed, his throat dry from crying. "A few inches to the left, well --"

Tony didn't respond, just nodded and followed the doctor as she stopped in-front of a closed med-bay door. Through the little glass window, the billionaire had just been able to see his son's feet along the edge of his hospital bed and that was the final straw for Tony.

"I'm just gonna --" He starts, cutting himself off as he finally steps fully into the room and comes around the bend, stopping at the foot of Peter's cot. "Oh, Peter ."

Peter lays, propped up against his pillows, looking so small and pale in the bed that Tony feels like he could start crying again. Breathing out a shaky sigh, the genius forces himself to step forward, reaching out and gently brushes a few stray curls from his kid's slack face.

With his other hand, he grabs Peter's own, spilling down into the chair offered to him by a somber Helen.

"I know it doesn't look great, Tony," Dr. Cho says, resting a supportive hand against the billionaire's shoulder. Tony, however, doesn't tear his eyes away from Peter, watching as the spiderling's chest rises and falls. "But he's going to be okay. The knife, it didn't hit anything vital and he's stable, already healing in-fact."

"That's good, yeah, that's --." Tony swallows, bringing the hand cradled in his own up to his cheek, pressing until he can feel Peter's pulse. Tony's eyes flutter closed, his throat tightening. "How long, do you think? For him to heal?"

"I'd say a few days, at most."

Tony nods. "Thanks, Helen."

The soft hand against his shoulder gives a squeeze and Tony swallows again. Dr. Cho leaves after a few minutes, leaving Tony alone with both his thoughts and his still unconscious kid.

Heaving a silent sigh, Tony makes himself as comfortable as possible against the side of Peter's cot, the boy's hand still clutched in both of Tony's own.


It's been almost a full day since Peter had been given the okay to be transferred back up to his own room in the penthouse. He'd woken up a few times since the night before, slow, heavy blinks causing his doe eyes to droop, before he's out cold again, nuzzled back against Tony or May.

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