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《In the silence of our egos, we lost each other》


They argued alot, Hiesenberg and Lady Dimitrescu, it was back and forth with them.Most of what he said did make you uncomfortable but Hiesenberg, for he made that mistake earlier, rubs tiny shapes on your back.He remember your issue with yelling and his attempt to keep you from crying a river in return gave him a tighter hug as you nuzzle your head and entire face into the crook of his neck.Yes, his hair tickles you but you dearly loved the smell that came off of him;Oil, metal, and smoke.Odd mixture yes but that was Hiesenberg for you.


"Yes Mother Miranda?"

"The metal, let us see the man."

He chuckles "Way ahead of you!" within a blink of your eye you watch him take off the metal and sling them to the side, soon revealing a unconscious man underneath "Ethan Winters was it?Looks like a scam to me."

"Is he okay?" You immediately notice his hand, he had only three fingers left on it "His hand is messed up.."

"That will not be the only thing that will be messed up Butterfly."

"Did I just tell you that she is MINE?" Hiesenberg barks as she clearly ignores him, continuing on "Do I need to smash your skull in for you to get the fucking point you mountain of a bitch-?!"

She blows a large puff of smoke in his face, he tries to get it way but you inhale it anyway and have a hacking fit, then she smirks "Once again, a child is present."

"Yeah but I didn't blow fucking smoke and cause her to have a legit hacking fit!"

Then like that they were at it again, like wild dogs fighting for the last scraps of food.


Immediately the two shut up, you shrank into Hiesenberg hold for a second, and both sat down.

"We must decide of what happens to this mortal." She looks at the two before she left out a frustrated sigh "Not argue like children over a toy."

Angie laughs like a maniac "Children!She called you two children HAHAHAHA-"

"Shut your dame hole-!"


He didn't seem like he said his fill, but for Mother Miranda to call him out like that, once again he stayed down and grumbled insults.Not long Moreau too join Angie, laughing at their brother.

You pat his cheek, getting his attention quickly "Hm?Though you were asleep already??"

You shook your head for it was to loud for that, soon you spoke softly "Not really.Can I go down?"

He really didn't think much of it "Sure." Then let's you slide off, he however watch you once a while as you wonder around.

"The man is no real use to anyone else.And my daughter do so love...entertaining foreigners." Lady Dimitrescu smoke her pipe only to exhale a low slow drag of smoke, soon she continues "Furthermore.I can assure you to if you entrust handing the mortal into the hands of house Dimitrescu, my daughters and I will deliver you the finest cups of his slaughtered blood."

You were just playing with some rocks till you here commotion happen between Angie and Moreau, it turns out the two were getting a closer look at the unconscious man.

"HEY!Out of the way ugly!I want to see--OH!" She twirls around after shoving Moreau away, all excited and clapping loudly "He's aawaaakkeee!~"

Perking up at that you decide to watch the now awake man from afar.He had blond hair, a hoodie on, scratches and open wounds, and deep ocean eyes.He really looks like he been through hell itself.

"Both of you, shut the fuck up!"

Immediately like that Moreau and Angie went back to their spots, you shrank, knowing it was not directed at you, but still you hide yourself in your hood a bit.


"You mean you'll screw around with him in private, what is the fun in that?" He was now focusing on persuading Mother Miranda "Give him to me.And I'll give give you a show everyone can enjoy."

"So gauche.What do we care for bread and circuses?The man things suffering is assured, regardless. "

"Yack,yack.If the mans dick is cut off in the castel--BLAH,BLAH,BLAH!"

You took this as your moment to speak out to the man, staring at the four lords infront of him "You okay?"

When he heard a new voice he did not expect to see a child, a human one, speak out to him.

He was confuse "You...why are you here?Get out of here-!"

"I have heard all your arguments, some less preswasive as others, but I made my decision" Mother Miranda paused, seeing if anyone decides to speak up, she soon points at Hiesenberg soon after the long silence "Hiesenberg.The mans fate is in your hands."

Immediately Lady Dimitrescu was up, objecting her decision "Mother Miranda I must protest!Hiesenberg is but a child, his devotion to you is quite questionable!"

The moment you see Hiesenberg get up, looking angry, you knew something was going to happen.And he was clearly going for Lady Dimitrescu for she made her way to the man who is chained down.You scoot back till you were right next to a hole in the ground, watching as it all unfolds.

"Give him to me and I will ensure you he will be ready-."

"Shut your dame hole and don't be a sore losser!" His hammer flew to his hand with quick speed, he was up in her face "Go find your food somewhere else."

She smirks at his attempt, it was clear she held the advantage in height here, so she taunts him "Quiet now child!Adults are talking."

"So I'm a child?You're the one arguing with Miranda's decision!"

"You wouldn't know what responsibility is if it wasn't welded into that hammer!"

"Oh, keep growing, one day your head might actually fit your ego!"

Angie and Moreau laugh in the background, but you?You didn't know if you should.


"Hey..?Do I have a say in this-?"

"SILENCE!"Mother Miranda boomed, her wings out and all "My decision is final, there will ve no arguments.Remember, where hence you came."

Hiesenberg smirks in victory "Thank you."

And Lady Dimitrescu?She lets out a frustrated displease grunt and stomps her way to her seat.

"Lycans and gentlemen, we thank you for all waiting!" He twirls around, somehow not noticing where you stood at the moment, then stops to stand in front of the man "Now we can let the games begin!"

He crotch down, facing the man with amusement "Let's see what you are made of, Ethan Winters."

Ethan?That was his name yes, backs up as Hiesenberg slams his hammer on his chains.Breaking them to only have him in his cuffs.


Ethan backs up as the creatures grew closer, pushing him back with their claws and fangs.


Ethan bumps into something, almost kicking it away in reflex, but once he saw your fearful form he chokes.How the hell will he survive and keep you alive?Everyone dies because of him.

That was when he saw the hole, he hesitates "Oh fuck!"


Ethan jumps in, knocking you off balance.


That was when Hiesenberg noticed you near the hole this whole entire time, he soon trys to call out to you, but that was when it happened.

You fell in.

The beast soon followed.

Their Obsession [Yandere!Resident Evil Village X Child!Read]Where stories live. Discover now