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《In a world where everyone wears a mask, it's a privilege to see a soul》


Your not like the other kids in the village, curious of life or having fun while there is enough happiness left, no.You were so different.Like most families they slowly became abusive and so overly sad and distressed, yet yours were dead.They died by the sudden evasion of werewolve like monsters....out of everyone you were the last survivor left, the last child standing.

A growl like sound snaps your attention away from your book which leads you into looking outside, it was still snowing and dark, you close your book with a soft sigh "Maybe the traps got something...eatable."

Truth be told you didn't eat for days end, you been wise of it.By now most would have scarfed their stash in less then a week but you?You had enough for four weeks or perhaps more.Just one item to eat a day or three then waite till next week to eat again, a pro and a con in one sitting.

Small shoe imprints were left in the white as snow ground.Once a while you hear a satisfying crunch yet your attention and ears were on high alert, day or night those things still roam your home after their deed was committed.It sometimes made you wonder why they all didn't move on to the next thriving villages yet...

"Oh?So there is a survivor, I was thinking this place was abounded of life." You look up to the voice to see a...fat man sitting in a cabinet?What the heck??

You approach him, eyeing him down, this could be a trick "Yes..Now.Who are you mister-?"

"AH!Forgive me little one it seems I forgot to introduce myself.." the fat dude chimes then continues somehow bowing then falling over "..My name is known as 'The Duke' but I perfer you call me Duke instead.Now that you are here tell me..where are your parents?"

"We need to get out of here!"


You shook your head around like a maniac would. The next thing you do was look at the items this Duke man had, he had alot of stuff.

But one got your attention, a small odd looking necklace, you reach out for it "This one is pretty."

Duke eyes widen in horror "Waite!No don't touch--!"

Too late.

The moment your skin pads on your fingertips touched the cold metal it turns into a liquid substance.Not knowing what to do you watch it plop onto the ground and climb up your legs to get to your neck, once there it changes back into the same necklace from before.Yet it was now smaller and more...attached to you.

"H-Huh?That didn't kill you??"

You look at him with a raised brow "Was it supposed to do that?" You grip the metal yet it was stuck on you like stone "Hm?I can't get it off.."

Duke rubs his temple looking pretty upset "It must of chosen you, a child so young, a shame really."

Shame?You read that in a book once.It means disappointed or in guilt like pity for themselves or for a person/thing.Why is this fat man feeling ashamed of?You did nothing but touch the necklace.

Then out of nowhere in comes a grey piece coming to your face, luckily you dodge it by falling onto your bum.

"What da-?!"


Duke gives up a nervous smile but you could really see the thick sheen coat of sweat on his forehead, he sounds scared too "Lord H-Heisenberg?...Is this not your territory-?"

"Who cares if this is mine or not!Your fat ass is fucking dead you oversized pig!"

"Oh my.."

You blink not really processing the danger your in.That name was never heard of in this village, was this an outsider?Did it possibly came from a book you read to pass the time??Only god knows.

Something large was being dragged.Turning that direction you see a tall man holding a very large hand built gear hammer.He had to be around his 20's or near 30's.He didn't seem to notice you for he passed you without a single glance of knowledge ment.His hammer up with one hand, oh, he must be really strong...

"Waite we can talk about this!...N-No need for the hammer-!"


The hammer was then held up to the point of no return.Then he slammed it down onto Duke...but it only lead to his hammer and him flying backwards into a burned up house.A hole was visible from here.Ouchy.

"You alright Duke?" You look at him as he looks down at you like a god, you did nothing but stand in front of him "Uhhh....why did he go flying into a house??"

Your question was not answered by Duke as Heisenberg came back, like he didn't get thrown into a building moments ago, now glaring down at your form.At least he noticed your presence.

"Fuck got thrown by a kid."

You blink again, now noticing this guy was around 6'8...your at his mid thighs.

Heisenberg, even though he had shades on, eyes widen in shock.Not long later his eyes soften as so did his figure.

"Hey kid?" He kneels down, crouching mostly, then checks you from head to toe, mesmerizing everything he could, then continues with a softer tone "Wanna see something cool?"

You nod smiling slightly.Something about this man is different yet staying near him made you feel safe, at home even.

Grinning he reaches out his hand "Watch this!"

What happens?Simple.His hammer from before came back to him within lightning speed, making a loud whooshing sound as it spins really fast, then Heisenberg caught it like it was nothing but toy ball.That hammer was taller then him too.

"That's cool!" Heisenberg got up just in time to see you trying to mimic the same thing he did, it didn't stop you from saying more "Are you a magician?!"

That made a loud set of laughter come tumbling out his chest, soon he tilts his hat in a cowboy manner "A magician?HA!Fuck those fakers I'm the real deal here!HAHAHA!!"

The Duke was still in his place, watching it all unfold, he felt rather pitiful for the child.They seem to not understand what they got themselves in, he can't help the child.


He froze, eyes trailing the rocky earth to his doom feet "Y-Yes my lord?"


Didn't need to say it twice cause as soon as he tumbles back into cabinet it was like magic for all his things were gone once he closed the two cabinet doors.Not long later the cabinet left with Duke in it.

"Why you make him leave?"

Heisenberg didn't look down at you but fix his hammer, a few gears were loose "He is bad news, stay away from him."

You made an 'oh okay' face yet remember why you were out here for.You didn't eat this week so today can be your day to get something in your tummy.

"That was a cool trick but.." you wave to him as he suddenly stop working on his hammer, you still kept going "..I need to go and get some food bye-!"

Nope.It was only a few steps away but he managed to come over and pick you up.You letting out a yelp in surprise.Not long later he had you hanging onto his neck for dear life, for he set you on his shoulder, as he began his walk back to wherever he came from.

"P-Please put me down!It's too high!"

A rumble chuckle vibrates from him, his hold on your form slightly tighter, him disliking the idea "No can do darling!Your mine now!~"

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