Fifteen !!

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TW: mentions of abuse,
Homophobia and nightmares!

Triggers start here my loves :)

15 year old Roux adjusted the highly scratchy and uncomfortable dress that showed all her insecurities. She glanced at the high heels in her hands with disgust, why would someone wear these willingly?

"I look like princess aurora if she was to hang out with barbie." Roux scoffed, she hated every second of this moment. All she wanted was to be in a jumper, or even just comfortable clothes. Not this monstrosity.

Sure, she thought other girls looked absolutely beautiful in these things. But not her, she liked pants. Not a skirt person at all.

"This is just pointless, why am I even dressing like a Disney princess. Who cares about a dumb Quinceañera anyways." It was her birthday so why not let her wear what she wanted. With a scoff she headed downstairs, to see her parents, heels in hand.

"Oh look at my beautiful flower. You're so pretty honey." Roux smiled still disgusted, she hated this as much as she knew she would.

"Mama, why am I dressing so crazy like this for a birthday?" Her mother and father just laughed, it was as fake as her dress.

"You're now a woman my dear, you're going to be getting yourself a man!" Rouxs eyes widened immediately.

"No! I don't want that!" Her parents looked at her, nothing but confusion lacing their faces.

"I need to tell you something, mama, papa." They then glanced at eachother, before looking back.

"I- uh. I'm- erm." Roux couldn't find the right words, she kept thinking of Lydia's advice and chose to just let it out.

"Hun, what did you want to say? We have to meet abuelo and abuela now." Rouxs parents stood infront of her, her little brother and sister curious as well.

"Mama, papa, I'm.. I'm Bisexual." Rouxs parents immediately looked at her with a smile, but there was something off.

"Lara, Liam. Go and meet us in the car okay?" Both of them nodded with wide smiles and ran to the car, all attention was now on Roux again. But it was darker this time.

"You're... what?"

"I'm bi mama, I like girls and guys-" Roux spoke with a smile but was immediately cut off by a hard slap to the right side of her face.

"I heard what you said. How dare you come into this house and say these things? That's disgusting!" Roux felt tears brimming her eyes, but it kept going.

"What next? You're gonna want to become a boy? Oh! Maybe even call yourself a "non gender specific" right? Cut this phase Roux. I did not raise a mistake! Now fix your dress and put on your heels!" Another slap, this time on the left. Tears started to fall, this was a wrong move she learned.

"What? Speechless? Speak to me when I'm talking to you!" Roux looked up in absolute fear, she noticed her father pulling off his belt.

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