Twenty-Two !!

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Captains Call
Derivakat (ft. CG5)

Quackity thought about it more and more, he fell asleep about an hour later, thinking about her. Roux woke up from the annoying light peering through her curtains. She sat up with a large stretch, then began glancing around her room. She reached for her phone when she noticed it was still on a call with Quackity. The only thing that came out of her mouth was a gasp, alerting Quackity she was finally awake.

"Morning sunshine, did you sleep well?" Quackity chuckled at her, he could just imagine her reaction.

"You stayed on the phone? I thought you had things to do?" Roux stood up from her bed and headed to the bathroom, glancing in the mirror she cringed at her state. She laughed quietly to herself thinking about all the people who say 'I woke up like this' 'cause she definitely didn't.

"Yeah, but it wasn't that important. Just a little preparation and editing. I'll leave you to get ready, I'm sure Sapnap and Lydia are looking for you." Roux hummed at his suggestion and they both bid farewell. Smiling at herself in the mirror she got ready for the day.

"There you are Rou, I thought you'd sleep forever." Roux glared at Lydia, she only got a chuckle as a response.

"Good morning, but where's Sap?" Roux glanced around the area, that being the living room and kitchen.

"He went back to his house to start packing. But, Rou you're close with Dream right? Didn't Sapnap say they wanted to move in together eventually?" Roux nodded, still not understanding where Lydia was going with this.

"Well I was looking for some new homes.. I saw some big ones in Florida? That's if you want to move all the way over there. I just thought it would be fun to live with some of our greatest friends. Like you wrote on the list back then?" Rouxs eyes widened immediately at the mention of her old list of dreams.

"Oh yeah.. that list. I totally forgot I even wrote that. It was so long ago. But yeah, send me some links! I'd love to live with the green blob. That's if he's comfortable with that. We can call him when sap comes back." Lydia nodded and placed down a plate of breakfast In-front of Roux, and another for her.

"Mmm, we could also. Like, invite someone else?" Roux spoke in between her chews. Earning a small glare from Lydia for speaking with her mouth full, but that glare slowly turned into a smirk.

"Oho, I see what's happening here. You want to live with your señor, don't you?" Lydia started to laugh at Roux who was sulking, Lydia made sure to emphasize señor.

"I- that's not- ugh! That's not what I meant! I mean, he could live with us- but that's not what I was implying!" Roux stumbled over her worlds as Lydia stifled a laugh.

Finishing up, the two then walked to the living room, Lydia sitting down normally and Roux tossing herself next to Lydia. The two began looking for houses that could work for dorm mates, nothing too expensive, but something that would work for them all. They spent about 2-3 hours looking at houses with the Television playing in the background, it was now around 12pm. Roux stood up with a stretch before then glancing to Lydia.

"I've gotta film something with Wilbur and a few of his friends, let me know when Sap comes back alright?" Lydia nodded and went back to scrolling on the laptop on her lap, Roux spun around and headed to the kitchen to get a cup of water. She then headed straight for her bedroom and shut the door, hoping her more than likely, screaming didn't bother Lydia. Sitting down, she turned on her computer and set up her desk as she prepared her things. Once her computer booted up, she opened discord and entered the call.

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