Chapter 12: Plant food

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I didn't understand. I thought we were supposed to avoid the little people. I thought we were forbidden to even speak of them.
"We can't just give her body to them." I protested.
"And why not?" My mother asked offended.
"It's fucked up Mum. Plus what's keeping them from attacking us?" I argued.
"They won't." She stated matter of factly.
"How do you know?"
"Look; yes you saw the bastards but you didn't tell anybody about them besides me and I've already seen them before. Like a loophole."
"So they're just going to hide a body for us?"
"No... it's more of an offering that also benefits us."
"This is nuts." My chest felt tight. "You didn't have to kill her." I knew I shouldn't keep arguing. Everything just felt wrong.
"In case you don't recall you were in the process of beating her to a bloody pulp." Mum spat back, crossed her arms across her chest, and fixed her gaze on the corpse.
"Yes, but I did not kill her and I sure as hell don't want to feed her to fairies."
"You would have! Or you would have died trying to end her." Mum locked eyes with me, hers were full of concern. "I saw it in you. Your aura was pulsing with hatred. You did not need more weight on your shoulders. They won't eat her. Come on and help me." Mum softened her voice. I took a deep breath. I felt a twang of guilt for being angry at my mom. She was just trying to protect me. She crouched and looped her arms under Chris's armpits. I grabbed Chris's  ankles and we headed to the edge of the woods.
The little people were waiting for us there. First, I saw only one standing right on the edge of the protection barrier between two trees with wide trunks and broad leaves. Then movement caught my eye among the branches as we moved closer. More of the fae emerged from the foliage. They outnumbered us easily ten to one. It didn't matter that they were smaller. They were strong and magical. Mum may have had some pizzazz but all I had was spicy blood and exhausted muscles. Here we were, walking right into a space where they have every advantage.
Their dark hair glistened in the light that peeked through the leaves. Their grey skin helped them to blend in with the bark on the trees. They were everywhere, yellow eyes still just as brilliant in the sunlight. The hair on my arms stood up and my stomach twisted into a tight knot. We crossed the border swallowed hard and looked at Mum for reassurance.
"It's fine dear. We're fine. Almost there. Now put her down slowly Maura then step back into the circle." My heart hammered with more intensity. I knew this wasn't safe. My mother looked tense as if she were also afraid of the fae. As if she did not fully trust them. We gently placed Chris's body on the ground at the feet of the first fae I had seen at the edge of the woods. My mother then got on her knees and bowed low. "An offering for you, Elder ones. Full of vitality till her last breath."  I didn't bow. I nodded and took several steps back. A couple more and I'd be at the barrier. The other fae began to buzz loudly.  The cicada-like noise stopped me in my tracks.  The creature Mum was bowing to looked at me then back at my mother.
"They want you to stay." Mums voice was as cool as steel. She spoke at the ground but it was meant for me. "Watch." Mum instructed, never straightening from her bow. I listened, frozen where I stood.  The creatures piled upon Chris's corpse and started tearing her to shreds. Hair, skin, muscle, bone, clothes- all sliced into tiny pieces by their razor sharp talons.  Blood soaked the ground. The chunks flew about As the monsters continued to demolish the flesh. I felt woosy and took a knee, transfixed on the scene. When they were done with the tearing, Chris's pieces lay in minced heaps across the forrest floor.  The creatures then began to till the earth, burying the remains deep into the soil. Soon there was no trace. Not one fiber, tooth, or drop of blood was visible above the ground.
"They are feeding the forrest." Mum said to me though her head was still close to the ground as she was locked in her bow watching the morbid gardening.
"Makes wonderful fertilizer." Mum giggled. I dug my nails into my wrist to keep me steady.  All but the main little person, who was still standing at my mother's head, vanished into the woods. The one that remained outstretched its hand. Mum presented hers, palm face up. The creature pricked the center with its needle like nails, drawing a single bead of blood. It licked the blood from her flesh before taking its leave.
Mum rose to her feet. She stumbled a bit  as if she were drunk and smiled a giddy smile.
"Come on, sweetheart. Chin up," She helped me up and draped her arms around me as she escorted me back into the protection circle, "we all go back to the earth eventually. Let's get you patched up then you can rest while I get rid of her car."
Once we were in the house Mum tended to my wounds. She cleaned my new cuts  I had aquired from Chris's nails and a ring she had on, and the old ones that had reopened either partially or completely in the fight. She also rubbed a mixture of herbs and ice on my bruises to help with the swelling.
"I must say, you can take a beating. You give one hell of one too. Not going to lie, I'm a bit proud." Mum grinned and started fussing with my hair, picking out pebbles and grass that had weaved their way into the tresses in the struggle. I smiled back weakly. None of this felt right. I wondered how she could be so upbeat after taking a life; after watching a body get ground to wet sawdust.
"Keep that ice on your eye for a wee bit before you get in the shower. Are you going to be okay while I take care of this?" She asked referring to Chris's car. I nodded reassuringly.
"I'll be back." She got up and headed to the door.
"Mum. Before you go. Why did you say the skinwalker wouldn't want Chris now?  How'd you know it was even after her?" The question had crossed my mind and I couldn't stop myself from asking. Mum's brows furrowed.
"I don't know for sure, Love. Seemed a logical thing to say at the time since it had went after both poor Angie and her Gran. I think I was just talking in the moment."
"Okay." I said, still confused. Was she keeping something from me? "I love you,  Mum."
"I love you too, I'll be back." She smiled warmly and left. I heard the car drive away and took a quick cool shower to rid my skin and hair from the dirt and dust. I rushed to dress, grabbed the bag I had packed before and went to my car. My necklace grew warm on my chest and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.  I needed time to think. I needed to possibly get answers. Most of all, I needed to get away from the forrest.
I saw a couple pairs of yellow eyes at the edge of the property as I started my engine. Nothing seemed to follow as I drove down the road and onto another, heading towards the city. I knew Mum was going to be pissed but I needed to escape to Dad's.

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