Chapter 1

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Your POV
I looked down at the red octupus then looked around me. No one was around. "Hey, I'm talking to you." I threw the octupus at the ground, startled by the sudden voice speaking to me. "Ow that hurt.." I backed away while staring at the octupus on the floor. Why was it talking? Was it talking to me. Of course its talking to me. No one else is here. I turned around about to re-enter the gym. As I was about to push open the door, I felt a slimy tentacle grab my ankle. I nearly screamed as I tried to kick it off. "Hey! Stop that I'm trying to talk to you!" His words were almost incoherent because of the violent shaking of my leg. As I tried to turn around again I suddenly tripped and fell. I tried to grab the door but I felt my head hit something. Then it went black.

I woke up to the sound of dishes clattering. I felt around and realized I was on a sofa. I opened my eyes and saw Oikawa making food. I turned my head and saw the octupus in a tank on the table next to me. I bolted up and hit my arm on the table next to me. "Ow!" Oikawa turned around to look at me. "Oh, (Y/n), your up!" He said with a smile. "Yeah.." I mumbled as I felt a sudden throbbing in my head. I winced from the pain. "Are you all right?" Oikawa asked in a worried tone. "I don't think so." I suddenly heard another voice say. I snapped my head to the direction of the voice. Oikawa laughed at my reaction, "It's just the octupus. He can talk! Isn't that cool?" I looked at him in disbelief. How is he not freaked out by a talking octupus!?! "" Oikawa chuckled before getting back up to go check the food he had been making.

I turned to look at the octupus. He had a very grumpy-looking face. He stared back at me through the glass. "Your boyfriend isn't very loyal." He said in a bored tone. I looked at him in shock, "Ehh!?! W-What do you mean?" He looked back at me and sighed. "You really are stupid... He's probably cheating on you" he said, once again sighing. "No! He would never do something like that!" This damn octupus...who did he think he was to be telling me this!?! I heard Oikawa say, "(Y/n)~ I'm going to go outside and do something real quick!" I heard the door shut as he walked out. "Go to the window. Then you will see what I mean." I decided to go check, just out of curiosity, not because the octopus told me too.

I walked up to the window and peeked through the curtain. I saw Oikawa flirting- I mean, talking to a girl. She was about my height and had long blue hair. She had glasses and she was sort of plain looking. I felt the presence of someone next to me and turned to see the octopus. "See? What did I tell you." I rolled my eyes at his statement and continued to watch them. He pat her on the head and hugged her goodbye before turning to come inside. I quickly turned around and pretended to be getting some water. "(Y/N), you should be resting." He said in a semi- worried tone. He seemed to have other things on his mind. "Oh..haha..I just wanted some water" I said as I motioned toward the cup I had just grabbed. "Oh ok. Well do you want to eat the food I made?" He said with an eager smile. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn't because of what the octupus had told me. "Actually, I just realized my parents wanted me home early today." I lied. My parents won't even be home. "Oh ok..." he looked really disappointed. I felt bad, but I also wanted to get rid of the octopus. Hmmm...It can talk, so does it have a name? Should I refer to it as a he? I guess i should ask...him?

I stood up and asked, "Hey, Oikawa? Can I take the octupus with me?" I asked, although I already knew what he would say. "Hm? Of course, (Y/n)!" I giggled at his sudden enthusiasm. "Thanks Oikawa" He walked over to me and kissed me goodbye. I grabbed the octopus and put him in the tank. "Bye Oikawa!" I said as I took the octopus and walked out the door. I felt tired and wanted to get home as soon as possible. Luckily, my house was not very far from Oikawa's and I would get there in about ten minutes.
The walk was quiet aside from the occasional splash of the water in the tank. I walked up to my front door and put the octopus on the floor. I unlocked my door opened it and then picked up the octopus and carried him inside. I looked around my living room wondering where I should put him. "Hey. Why did you bring me with you?" I heard the octopus say. "Hmmmm....I don't know." I said, as I thought about what I was actually going to do. I was going to sell him. I'm sure plenty of people would like to have a talking octopus. People are so weird...I walked over to a table and placed him on it. "Hey..uhmm... octopus? What's your name? Do you have a name?" He looked at me from the tank and replied,"Yes I have a name. It's Hank." He watched me as. I grabbed my laptop and unplugged it. "I'll be right back." I said as I walked into my room. I opened my laptop and opened eBay. How much do octopus cost? Well, I want to sell him quickly, so I'll sell him for a cheap price. I decided I would sell him for thirty dollars. There. Now he will be gone sooner.

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