Chapter 3

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Your POV
I looked down at Hank. What? I mean...Now that I thought about it I realized that I did like Hank. But..he's an octopus. As long as I don't tell anyone it's fine right? I stood there thinking, unaware of how impatient Hank was getting. I smiled and looked towards him once again. "Yes Hank, I would like that."

Me and Hank spent the next few months together happily. Throughout that whole time I never once realized that I hadn't taken down the offer to sell Hank. One day, as I was walkimg through the store I heard my phone chime. I saw a notification from eBay, an app I had not used the past few months. I clicked on the notification and realized how stupid I had been. Someone had offered to buy Hank. I quickly typed to decline the offer but stopped when I realized who it was. It was the blue haired bitch Oikawa had been with. I stared at the phone and decided to read the full message she had sent me. It said: Hi~ I think you know who I am already. But in case you don't, I'm Tsumugi Shirogane! I'd just love to buy your octopus. Actually, I've already decided that I will. So I'll be at your house in 10. And yes, I do know your address. He'll make wonderful sushi!
I read the message and felt a huge surge of anger. I left my basket full of groceries and started running as fast as I could towards my house. I had already wasted 5 minutes reading the message and freaking out.

As soon as I arrived at my house I noticed the door was open. I quickly ran inside and saw the girl standing over Hank's tank, which was now duct taped all around. "What are you doing!? Get out! I don't want you to buy him." I yelled. She turned around amd smiled at me. She then laughed and said, "Now isn't that a rude a way to greet a visitor?" I looked at her in disbelief. Visitor? She broke into my god damn house! "Leave. I'm not selling him to you." She continued smiling at me and turned around. "Oh really?" Before I could move or say anything else, she grabbed a large knife, which I didn't know she had and stabbed it into the tank and through a slit in the duct tape. I heard the knife hit the bottom. I just stared at her, unable to move. She removed the tape to reveal Hank, sitting in the center, dead. "How about now?" She giggled. She then placed 30 dollars on the table, grabbed the tank and walked out the door, shutting it behind her. I fell to my knees and started sobbing.

The End

Okay. That's the end. But like, who tf actually read this and why. Well thanks I guess, hope you enjoyed it.♡♡♡

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