Chapter 2

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Your POV
I tried my best to find a buyer over the next few days. Then the days became weeks. But I didn't mind so much anymore. Hank was actually really nice, just a little grumpy. It came to the point where I didn't know if I wanted to sell him anymore. I also hadn't seen Oikawa in a while. I haven't even been outside my house since I met Hank. I needed to go grocery shopping though.

"Hey Hank!" I called out from the kitchen. "Yeah?" He replied, irritated because I had woken him up. "I'm going to the store. I'll be back." I said as I walked towards the door. I walked outside and felt the warm sun shining down on me. The grocery store wasn't far, it was only about 10 minutes away. I walked on the sidewalk and listened to the birds chirping. I thought about how Oikawa hadn't even bothered to contact me at all. He would usually talk to me every day. It's been weeks. I decided I would stop by his house. It would only add about 5 minutes to my trip.
I arrived in front of Oikawa's house, but he wasn't home. I had knocked on the door but nobody answered. I sighed. I had really wanted to speak with him too. I wasted my time walking here. I turned around and walked in the direction of the store.
After about 10 minutes, I arrived at the grocery store. I walked in and grabbed a small shopping cart. I only needed a few things. Milk, bread, and shampoo. I completed my shopping quickly. Oikawa could be home by now. I suddenly thought of an idea. I'll buy him some milkbread and visit him later! I walked in the direction of where the milkbread was. When I got there, I had heard Oikawa's voice talking to someone. I turned into the aisle but saw no one. I quickly checked the aisles on the other side but no one was there either. Great. Now I'm hearing things. I grabbed the milkbread and then went to pay for the items.

I walked out of the store and walked towards Oikawa's house. When I was about two houses away from his, I saw that he had just arrived. I was about to approach his house until I saw a girl with him. The same one from last time. I could tell because of her blue hair. They walked up to the door. I noticed that Oikawa was carrying a grocery bag of milkbread. He was holding the girl's hand with his other hand. He leaned over and kissed her cheek as they went inside. I stood there shocked. Is he cheating on me? Is this why he forgot about me? I walked back to my house feeling sad and stupid. So...Hank..was...right?

I walked into my house and set the groceries on the table. Hank noticed that I wasn't smiling like usual. "Hey. (Y/n). What's wrong? You seem pretty gloomy." I ignored him and went to my room locking the door behind me. I immediately collapsed and started sobbing on the ground. Eventually I stopped crying and just felt empty. I was angry. Why would he do that to me? He could have at least broken up with me first! But...would that be any better? Well. I guess I have to break up with him now. I pulled out my phone and decided to text him. This would probably be the last time I spoke to him.

The text was simple. It said: Oikawa I'm breaking up with you. Bye. I sent it and waited for a reply. I placed my phone down and let out a shaky breath. *Ding* My phone chimed signaling that Oikawa had replied. I read the text. He replied: What? (Y/n) why? What did I do? Did I do something wrong? His response made me angry. How long has this been going on? I left him on read and put my phone down. I better go put the groceries away. The milk will spoil.

I walked into the living room and found Hank sitting there with a worried expression. "Are you okay (Y/n)?" He asked. I looked at him. "Yup! Of course, why wouldn't I be!" I replied, with my tone sounding forced and annoyed. He could tell something was up. I grabbed he groceries and began putting them away. The last thing in the bag was the milkbread. I started crying. Not because I was sad, but because I was angry and frustrated. I threw the milkbread into the trash. Stupid milkbread. I never liked it anyway. I hadn't noticed Hank come into the room. I heard him clear his throat to get my attention. I looked down at him, still crying. "What's wrong?" He asked in a worried tone. I sighed and answered, "You were right about Oikawa..." He continued looked at up at me. I hated to admit it, but he was actually right. I should've listened. "He actually cheated on you?" Hank asked. I looked back down at him and simply nodded my head. "Well he's just a jerk. You don't need him. Besides he's just too stupid to see that you're way better than that other girl. If I were him I would have stayed with you." I looked at him and smiled. "Thanks Hank." I thanked him for trying to cheer me up. I suddenly felt exhausted. "Ughh... What'll I do if he tries to speak to me at school? I think that girl goes to a different school so I won't have to worry about her. My friends are mostly people from the volleyball team too...and my other friends are only my friends because I was popular...and the only reason I was popular was because I was with Oikawa. What am I going to do?" I sighed as I thought about everyone I knew. I had no one now. I looked down at Hank as he spoke, "Hey (Y/n). I could be your boyfriend if you want."

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