CHAPTER 1: Return Of The Hero

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Biar Semua Tahu, Ini Dunia Baru
(Let everyone know, it's a brave new world)

Sama-sama Kita Tentang Sampai Menang
(Let's fight for it together and win)

Kuasa Ini, Kita Mencari, Satu Galaksi
(Seeking this power, across the galaxy)

Kuasa Ini, Jadi Realiti
(This is our reality)

Lepaskan Kuasamu, Mereke Akan Tahu
(Unleash the power inside, and let them see)

Ini Dunia Kau Dan Aku
(This world that belongs to you and me)

Melayang Kita Lawan, Bayangmu Jadi Awan
(In battles we soar, with clouds in our wake)

Yes, We Are The Only One........






Somewhere in space, asteroids and meteoroids explode from powerful laser beams. Two spaceships are chasing one another.




Space rocks break to pieces blocking the way of the TAPOPS commander, adding more adrenaline into Motobot's system.

" This is bad commander, what should we do now? "

" Fear not, Motobot. As a protector of Power Spheras, I won't let those pirates have you "

Despite the pernicious assaults, KokoCi refuses to surrender. He increases their speed and expertly maneuvers through the asteroids. As counterattack, he blasts some of the big asteroids and let its broken pieces block the pirate's way.

Dust infiltrates the area whilst giving KokoCi opportunity to get away.


" Captain! They have disappeared from the radar! "

Sense of frustration arise within the blue-skinned pirate, his eyes shout anger for the lost.

" Scan the area!!! I won't let them escape here!!! "

" Right, Captain! "

On the other side, behind the asteroid above the pirates, hide their target. Anxious and cornered.

" What're we gonna do now, commander?! "

Motobot's fear is clear flashing in his virtual eyes.

" We're trapped, it looks like we have to contact Earth's mightiest hero for help "

KokoCi's small fingers competently glide through the keyboard panel as in the screen displays a planet of all human kind, the one and only Earth.

" Boboiboy "


" I am Boboiboy! Earth's No.1 Hero!!! "

Said hero watches the scene from afar, smiling. Oh, how it flattered him that kids are still idolizing himself even though he hasn't been into action for quite a time now.

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