really bad update...

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i’ve been trying to avoid talking about this for a long time, but i can't keep this in for any longer. all of this needs to be said. i hope you guys will understand, and hopefully think about what i’m saying as well. it could pertain to you. plus, you all love billie dearly.

i’m not saying all of this is true, please keep that in mind. i have been in billie’s situation as well sadly.

as we all know, billie and q “dated”. she was a minor, and he was an adult. no matter how many times you try to make that sound like it’s okay, it isn’t. it’s not cute or forbidden in that beautiful way we often imagine when we are young.

i’m sure a lot of us have had crushes on teachers or therapists or university guys when we were/are teenagers, and there’s nothing wrong with that at all. it’s normal. however, it’s the adult’s responsibility to where that line is and never, ever to cross it. of course, there are exceptions when you’re sixteen and they’re eighteen, so on and so forth, but as a general, adults should never be with minors. they shoudln’t even think about them in a sexual way. that’s just full-on disgusting.

a school girl crush is harmless, the other way around isn’t. it’s great to close our eyes and pretend it’s not sometimes in the realm of fantasy, but it can’t be in reality.

at fifteen i dated a man who lied to me about his age. i thought he was eighteen, which would have already been weird because from the ages of fifteen people change so, so much. fifteen and eighteen is so different than thirty and thirty three. they’re worlds apart, already. nevertheless, he was in his late twenties.

at the time, i didn’t see just how bad the situation was, but it was. i still struggle with the scars its left behind. you’d think it wasn’t horrible enough to cause trauma, but oh trust me, it was more than enough to screw me up to this day in any romantic partnership i try to have. it’s even bled into just how i see men as a general.

billie said the same in her interview. at sixteen, she couldn’t see it for what it was. she can now. as an adult, she sees the full grandeur of what happened to her, and why she is so hurt from it now. it took me just as long. i feel terribly that she had to go through that. she didn’t deserve that.

this is where people will either completely disagree, or not want to agree, or hope i’m wrong. i hope i am.

i believe there is no way that her friends, finneas, and potentially her family didn’t know his age. we often call finneas this loving and protective brother, but is he? would you let your little sister be with someone eight years their senior?

and maybe you think i’m crazy, or how could you stop it once it started, or finneas would never. i don’t know. i hope, but i’m sorry, i don’t believe that. a sixteen year old can’t consent to an adult that much older than she is, even if you say you wanted it too.. a lot of sources even say billie and q met when she was actually fifteen. either way-

that’s statutory rape. she was raped.

i shouldn’t have written about q. i will be deleting my second story. one - i won’t be part of the problem and write about her trauma even in a fictional way, and two - i don’t think the finneas i wrote of was the finneas billie got.

and i’m so, so sorry that she didn’t get him. i’m sorry people knew and stayed silent. that will only add to the existing trauma she has to deal with.

people shouldn’t write about q unless it’s to talk about billie’s trauma in a very real way. it’s not the catalyst of a story. it’s not a joke about how ugly he is. it’s not any of that.

it was her tragedy. it was mine.

i’m sorry that such a beautiful soul had to go through that. i’m sorry to anybody that has to.

we’re her fans.

and if others couldn’t be there for her, we can be.

and to finneas and anybody else who might have known and didn’t say shit, fuck you! knowing billie she’d never say that to anybody who didn’t say anything. she’s too nice for that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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